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Why are there more TBlades in NHL?

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Because it's a wast of money, youd have to buy t-blades when you could have FREE sharpenings whenever you want.....

I dont think Seidenberg or Hecht have to buy their t-blades ...

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Because it's a wast of money, youd have to buy t-blades when you could have FREE sharpenings whenever you want.....

I dont think Seidenberg or Hecht have to buy their t-blades ...

I wasn't talking about the NHL'ers i was talking about the college kids..im sure they do

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No, they don't. Their teams have equipment budgets, each player gets some amount of the budget put towards buying their gear. 1-2 skates per year, 6-10 sticks, etc..

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No, they don't. Their teams have equipment budgets, each player gets some amount of the budget put towards buying their gear. 1-2 skates per year, 6-10 sticks, etc..

Depends which team, and depends WHO the player is. If you're a 5th liner at Holy Cross, don't hold your breath. Poster boy at Michigan, I think they'll find a way to get you your TBlades, although I can't imagine you seeing anyone with them on anytime soon.

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The equipment manager at any D1 school has a budget. And I'm sorry, but with limited funds they would not find t-blades a good way to spend the budget. Why would a team equipment manager buy t-blades when he has a skate sharpeing machine in his equipment room already paid for?

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because the player wants them, and is used to them and finds them better for his game. But most likely, they will nto be covered but who cares, its personal preferance. Its not like he has to stock ever radius and hollow, just the ones they want.

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There's no doubt it's okay to have dissenting opinions and tastes. However, I think we need a poll here that asks:

"Have you skated 3+ times on t-blades?"

"What did/do you think of them?"

"Have you commented here on MSH about t-blades?

I'm convinced that we'd get three answers.

1) Yes, but I just didn't like them.

2) Yes, and I like/love them.

3) No, but I've made countless posts about them! :D

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because the player wants them, and is used to them and finds them better for his game. But most likely, they will nto be covered but who cares, its personal preferance. Its not like he has to stock ever radius and hollow, just the ones they want.

There is no way a player would choose tblades over a PROPERLY sharpened/radiuses runner. IMO, those who like tbades had sucky sharpener. If we only could do a blind test....

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It would be an interesting test, Jimmy, because there is no doubt my friends all noticed the difference with our previous skates.

However, if the radii had not been done poorly, if would lead to your point.

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No, they don't. Their teams have equipment budgets, each player gets some amount of the budget put towards buying their gear. 1-2 skates per year, 6-10 sticks, etc..

Depends which team, and depends WHO the player is. If you're a 5th liner at Holy Cross, don't hold your breath. Poster boy at Michigan, I think they'll find a way to get you your TBlades, although I can't imagine you seeing anyone with them on anytime soon.

Of course it depends where you are, langenbrunner was obviously referring to a high profile school, not mary hardin-baylor.. :angry:

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The player gets what the school gives him, not what he wants. Just want to clarify that.

Let's just say that if a star player HAS TO play with a certain item and goes to the coach about it, chances are they will find a way to "give him" that item.

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There is no way a player would choose tblades over a PROPERLY sharpened/radiuses runner. IMO, those who like tbades had sucky sharpener. If we only could do a blind test....

The guy who use to cut my skates was a devils equiptment manager, so I think he knows his way around a BladeMaster. I just like Tblades better, I beg your forgivness. Tighter turns and quciker stops, maybe it is in my mind, but they are what works for me. Im sure if the kid really wanted Tblades, hed open up his purse and buy them if he wanted them that much.

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There is no way a player would choose tblades over a PROPERLY sharpened/radiuses runner.  IMO, those who like tbades had sucky sharpener.  If we only could do a blind test....

The guy who use to cut my skates was a devils equiptment manager, so I think he knows his way around a BladeMaster. I just like Tblades better, I beg your forgivness. Tighter turns and quciker stops, maybe it is in my mind, but they are what works for me. Im sure if the kid really wanted Tblades, hed open up his purse and buy them if he wanted them that much.


How can't you like his cut's there amazing, I wou;d never get T-blades since I have him...

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There is no way a player would choose tblades over a PROPERLY sharpened/radiuses runner.  IMO, those who like tbades had sucky sharpener.  If we only could do a blind test....

The guy who use to cut my skates was a devils equiptment manager, so I think he knows his way around a BladeMaster. I just like Tblades better, I beg your forgivness. Tighter turns and quciker stops, maybe it is in my mind, but they are what works for me. Im sure if the kid really wanted Tblades, hed open up his purse and buy them if he wanted them that much.

A good sharpener can match anything a tblade has, that was my point. You shouldn't notice any difference between the two if the radius and hollow are the same.. Folks who like tblades usually have a poor sharpener and that's why they "like" tblades, not because they are better, but because what they were skating on was poor..

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You shouldn't notice any difference between the two if the radius and hollow are the same.. Folks who like tblades usually have a poor sharpener and that's why they "like" tblades, not because they are better, but because what they were skating on was poor..

So if we shouldn't notice any difference between the two, aren't there then plenty of legitimate reasons to choose t-blades ? Like not having to get your skates sharpened done as often, not having to waste time driving to your sharpener, and being able to keep extra runners in your bag in case you crash a post ?

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You could just get another set of steel ($40 ish) for your bag, and it's only 2 screws (CCM holder)[i don't know the details about Tuuks] to replace steel, and you can just keep another set of steel in your bag, and get both sharpened at the same time. Same concept, easier in the end. Hit a post, swap it and get it sharpened later.

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You could just get another set of steel ($40 ish) for your bag, and it's only 2 screws (CCM holder)[i don't know the details about Tuuks] to replace steel, and you can just keep another set of steel in your bag, and get both sharpened at the same time. Same concept, easier in the end. Hit a post, swap it and get it sharpened later.

Yup, many skaters do that. Two sets of steel to rotate. I have many customers who have two sets so they only have to come to the shop every two weeks or so. Others mail their steel. One of my Buffalo customers has 4 sets of steel that he rotates and it only costs him $7.70 to ship them both ways. That's less than $2 shipping per set, plus $3.30 for the sharpening. $5.30 per set. Pretty cheap.

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$2 shipping? I have my guys do Priority Mail. 4 day turnaround.

Do the math.... $3.85 Priority mail each way, 4 sets of steel in the envelope. Cost $3.85 to me, $3.85 back to them. Total $7.70 for round trip for FOUR sets of steel. That's about $2 per set for shipping. USPS Priority mail is 3 day deliveery pretty much anywhere in the country.

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couldn´t you can sharpe the new t-blade model?

If the new tblade was able to be sharpened, meaning hollow refreshed and edges leveled and sharpened, then that would be sweet!

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