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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The morning after the night before

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Didn't see it anywhere else so thoughti'd ask. What did you do new years eve? How was the party, exciting or did you fall asleep before 12, or even stay in with a book? Over do the drink? Get lucky? end up somewhere you shouldn't have? Just how did it go? If your not still hungover that is......

Mine was great, went to a friend from hockeys house party, and to say the least it was a sausage-fest, about 40 boys and 5 girls, whom were all taken for, but the drinks were flowing so they were all happy. The house got wrecked, which im not saying is a good thing, the carpets will need to be replaced, and i ended up sleeping for about 2 hours on the floor between a bed and a cupboard, and have been up since 4 am now, gonna try and stay awake so i have a decent sleeping pattern. At 6:30 me and a top m8 from hockey (deathmoves on msh) left and went on our way home, in the pitch black looking for a bakery as we were starving trying top find some warm bread, or anything edible. no luck, we then went our seperate ways home, i waited about an hour for a train, and eventually got home at about 10. It's amazing what you talk about when you are walking along. Happy days.....

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Didn't see it anywhere else so thoughti'd ask. What did you do new years eve? How was the party, exciting or did you fall asleep before 12, or even stay in with a book? Over do the drink? Get lucky? end up somewhere you shouldn't have? Just how did it go? If your not still hungover that is......

Mine was great, went to a friend from hockeys house party, and to say the least it was a sausage-fest, about 40 boys and 5 girls, whom were all taken for, but the drinks were flowing so they were all happy. The house got wrecked, which im not saying is a good thing, the carpets will need to be replaced, and i ended up sleeping for about 2 hours on the floor between a bed and a cupboard, and have been up since 4 am now, gonna try and stay awake so i have a decent sleeping pattern. At 6:30 me and a top m8 from hockey (deathmoves on msh) left and went on our way home, in the pitch black looking for a bakery as we were starving trying top find some warm bread, or anything edible. no luck, we then went our seperate ways home, i waited about an hour for a train, and eventually got home at about 10. It's amazing what you talk about when you are walking along. Happy days.....

Lmao! Yeah! What a night to remember!!! So what have all u other guys and gals been up 2?

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I had one of those nights were the other 40 people at the party were drunk and I wasn't. Just not feelin' it last night..came home about 130. Hope everyone made it back safeley.

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I had a slow night last night. I just went out for dinner with my g/f and another couple, then we came home for the countdown. My B-days next weekend and I'm not a big new years guy at all, so I'm not too depressed with the lack of partying.

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went to a party and drank a bunch, then walked home since we didnt want to drive obviously. that was the coldest 3 blocks i have ever walked. i have a bad headache because i didnt drink any water before i passed out :(

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I was going to goto the g/f's for the night, but then the last minute break up, so i just stayed at home, watched Team Canada play, then play again in the middle of the night (repeat), Never got to bed till 4:30ish.

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Drank a few Molsons, watched Flames/Oil, never heard a sound at midnight, crashed at 1:30, woke up at 8. My crazy New Years Eve nights are long time gone so for all you youngsters: PARTY ON!!

Shop inventory starting Monday at 7 am. What a pain in the butt that is every year!

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Shop inventory starting Monday at 7 am. What a pain in the butt that is every year!

Dumbass, you're supposed to sell it all off so you don't have to count it. ;)

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Shop inventory starting Monday at 7 am. What a pain in the butt that is every year!

Dumbass, you're supposed to sell it all off so you don't have to count it. ;)

hey chucklehead, somehow, I think my shop is a wee bit larger than yours! :P and a Dumbass to you, too :lol:

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Watched fireworks at midnight from a friends roofdeck in the city. Talked to my future ex-girlfriend for most of the night (I think it was the accent that got me). Nearly half a case of Stella and a full bottle of champagne with no hangover made for a pretty sweet new years.

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Took my girlfriend to Open Skate, where I realized that it is very difficult for me to realize that not everyone has been skating since they were four years old. I taught her how to skate backwards and to pivot, but she wouldn't even think about trying cross-overs. She and I then met her family at Bennigan's for dinner. After that we drove over to her aunt's house, stuck our heads in and said 'hi.' Her friends talked us into going to some party for a little while, but, as neither of us drink, it got lame real fast. We just came back to my house, watched the ball drop and chilled for a little while before I took her home.

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Went to dinner with the wife and family, headed to a pub and just rang it in then came home later. Simple and probably my favourite one ever.

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I just got back 2 hours ago from Fernie, BC with the girlfriend and some friends, we were there since friday. Most hedonistic weekend ever 3 days of drinking, great boarding, and other unmentionables on a family board :lol:

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A bottle of chopin and half a case of red bull = eeing in a closet because you thought it was a toiler

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