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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Si-Core Warrenty

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I got one of the Si-Cores from Sport Chek on Boxing Day for $119 CDN. It just broke this morning. I want to send it to Easton for a warrenty replacement but I heard that I won't get a Si-Core back. Is this true?

If its true I wil not get a Si-Core back, what can I expect from them?

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I heard it depends on the price you get it for most likely an st because you got it on sale. Just a heads up correct me it iam wrong. :D

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I heard it depends on the price you get it for most likely an st because you got it on sale. Just a heads up correct me it iam wrong. :D

My friend got a Si-Core for $99 USD and got an SL as a Replacement.

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Now it might be an SL, but i do know a couple guys who received stealths as a replacement. This wasn't recently though and it mighta been because they didn't wanna send out their newer sticks.

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so lets say you wanted to try a SL or an ST but you don't wanna fork down 250$ can. so you could just buy a si-core at reduced price which is around 150$ can. break it within 30 days then get an ST or an Sl in exchange. Wouldn't Easton be getting pretty secrwed here.

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so lets say you wanted to try a SL or an ST but you don't wanna fork down 250$ can. so you could just buy a si-core at reduced price which is around 150$ can. break it within 30 days then get an ST or an Sl in exchange. Wouldn't Easton be getting pretty secrwed here.


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guys who received stealths got them as upgrades. i drop a lot of $ on synergies and the customer service is great. they once sent me a stealth cuz they didnt have the forsberg in 85 flex in an SL. I didnt want the stealth so i called them up and the next day there was an SL at my house with a letter with a fed ex sticker prepaid to ship the stealth back. this was for a stealth originally but i asked for an SL.

when i sent back my si core i got an SL, and so did every other guy on my team to date

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I've always just gone online, filled out the warranty form then shipped my stick in. My synthesis warrany was sent back to my house, my stealth was sent to my lhs and i had to pick it up.

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