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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Body Alignment and Skate Alignment

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Went to See JR today, I have been having a hard time finding my balance in my new Vapors. My feet just did'nt feel right in the boots. Alot of Foot pain in the sides of my foot and center ball of my feet. Skate is broken in now--So I was thinking I needed a radious or a stretch But when I got to Jr's store he sized me up and I decided to try on some skates. (Just for the hell of it) He had me put on a RBK 9 Pump,,Great feeling skate by the way. He had me walk around awhile. and I noticed it felt like my feet were falling in. So Jr watched me walk around his store and he said he noticed something. He had me put my vapors back on and sure as SH!@ my blade holders were bent (BOTH) towards the inside. It hase'nt been the skates,, It has been me. ((I bent the holders do to bad foot alignment)) I put all my weight to the outside of the skate,,,Hence the foot pain on the side. Also that explains the balance issue. Did some research and found out the holder is designed to give.....so if it is bent it won't work correctly plus my edges are all meesed up and also that is the explination for having a hard time crossing over left to right. Just wanted to post this ....Just makes me wonder if anybody elese has this problem and dosen't know it? So I made a appointment to see a foot doctor.See if there is anything he can do because after JR fix's these skates by Shimming them we thought what about my next pair??I don't want to wait to bend the holder then shim. I would like to fix the problem at its source. So I guess this is more of a informational post. :D Thanks JR!

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So JR fitted you! Did you buy a pair of skates, or did JR share his knowledge for free?

Just kiddin' Bouce.

So this is an anatomical or physiological issue with you and the way your feet are formed? Wouldn't that mean that most of the skates you've had in the past would have done the same thing? As well as all kinds of regular footwear wearing or giving you pains in the insides of your feet.

Also, I don't understand something. You mentioned the holders are designed to give, but your's got all messed up. Sounds like they "Gave" too much. Would you be entitled to a refund or replacement?

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good luck. sounds looks like you'll be dropping $100's on some custom orthotics <_<

Got lucky, Talked to the DR tonight insurace covers it as long as I am not a Professional athlete. Also will need to do some time of exercises and put a pair in my work boots---Just glad JR found this!

My old 8090 holders look just like my vapors \ /

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So JR fitted you! Did you buy a pair of skates, or did JR share his knowledge for free?

Just kiddin' Bouce.

So this is an anatomical or physiological issue with you and the way your feet are formed? Wouldn't that mean that most of the skates you've had in the past would have done the same thing? As well as all kinds of regular footwear wearing or giving you pains in the insides of your feet.

Also, I don't understand something. You mentioned the holders are designed to give, but your's got all messed up. Sounds like they "Gave" too much. Would you be entitled to a refund or replacement?

JR is a good man. no he dose'nt have to help me with the vapors; were a gift from some friends (Teammates) I told him today I would pay a fitting charge or what ever fees he wanted. But I will tell you this---I will buy every skate after this from him---My skate Issues started when he was out of town So I did feel bad.He has a customer for life.I had a pair of vectors reserved at his store before I got the vapors. I must have a very common size because alot of the skates I looked at they did'nt have my size.

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Yes, I did it for free. :P

I decided to rectify the situation.

I noticed it when he walked in the RBKs...then I took a pic of him in the Vapors to show him what I meant...


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Wow, that is some situation. The right one looks ok, until you notice the wicked hook the holder takes to the left side. The left foot is just all kinds of messed up.

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I've got a question:

The holder of my skates is not straight to the boot perfectly on the left side.

It is like when u look at the back of the left skate, the holder is not perpendicular to the skate boot tendor guard.

But looking in more detail, I found that the boot is not sitting perfectly when the boot is sticking to the outsole in the factory. so, the boot itself is a bit leftward.

Will it effect my skating? I have more pain in the left than right, but I can't figure out whteher it is my lower arch in left foot or the skate fault.


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They both are bad. Shimming would correct him out.

Yep, there is really no fix for this as far as what a doctor can do. My doctor is just talking about Special Custom insoles for future skates and my work boots. But even the doctor was happy I posted this because A good number of skaters have some type of alignment issues that cause all types of foot problems. And he told me that it dose'nt have to be both feet it could be just one. Over the phone he asked me to put preassure on the inside of my foot,then asked how does your leg feel? I said "My inner shins get sore" Bingo he said even your leg muscles are making up the load difference. Therapy could help witch he would highly suggest if I was 10. But at this stage in life it is really up to me because sometimes therapy dosent work for adults and and anytime I don't wear the "special Insoles" Ie slippers, cuting the grass in old shoes, etc...My feet would start to get bad again. Man, JR that picture is clear as day to what the problem is,,Thanks! Because my wife is really getting sick of my skate issues so when she saw this picture. she was shocked....She thought it was all in my Head :lol:

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I've got a question:

The holder of my skates is not straight to the boot perfectly on the left side.

It is like when u look at the back of the left skate, the holder is not perpendicular to the skate boot tendor guard.

But looking in more detail, I found that the boot is not sitting perfectly when the boot is sticking to the outsole in the factory. so, the boot itself is a bit leftward.

Will it effect my skating? I have more pain in the left than right, but I can't figure out whteher it is my lower arch in left foot or the skate fault.


Oh and to answer your pain Question,,Yes I get pain on the side of both my feet and middle of my foot. The Dr. said this will all go away after JR Fix's the holders. The sides of my feet are from the preassure to the side of the boot. and the balls of my feet are from the "Sideways Preassure". The "Sideways Preassure" witch he called it could cause arch pain ankle pain and is caused by the foot being angled in my case to the outside. Basically my body weight is not disturbuted evenly across my foot Hence,, the pains. and swelling, Cramps and all that good stuff. So I just can't wait to get back out there after the fix Both JR and DR. said I will notice the differece Immediately. And one more thing I have been noticing alot of Outer Thigh cramping. (Happened at the MSH skate) told the dr. this and he said Yep the problem usually dosent stop there, I am also not using the right muscles in my lags and the back pain all signs of a alignment problem.. After JR does this it will feel like I am falling to the inside but this will go away the Dr. said after a month or so.

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I also have a similar problem with applying uneven pressure...but no where near that bad!

Wow! :o

btw, JR, where's your shop? I'm definately getting my next skates from you! :P

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I remember at the skate you said that you only had a few hours on your XXXs. That all happened in that short amount of time? Did the holder come loose at all at the rivets? Seems like the holders should be stronger than that. You are a husky guy, but not overwight by any means (at least you did not look it). Makes me want to run downstairs and look at my skates. BTW- Do the holders go back to normal when you are not in the skate?

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Do you think this may also explain the premature break down as well, because you were not applying your weight load over the designated area of the boot?

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Before everybody goes off and has shims or changes skates, you should understand a few things. A simple walking test is not all that is needed to to see if you have problems. It's a good start. However, every body pronates and supinates to some degree. It is the body's way to absorb shock and allows the foot to work as a lever. The foot naturally supinates when the heel first lift off the ground until the end of the step to provide more leverage and to help ‘roll’ off the toes. It's excessive motion in either direction that can cause problems if not controlled. My wife worked for a podiatrist and we discussed this many, many times. He told me I could really mess someone up guessing (with minimum training) how to solve the problem. Yes, he would be the one making money, but I didn't go to med school, he did, so I trust him in this regard. I wouldn't worry about it unless you have a serious symptom, after skate break in of course, like

Arch pain

Heel pain

Ankle sprains

Shin Splints

Achilles tendonitis

Knee pain

Hip pain

Back pain

If you have excessive pronation and supination, you should already know if you have these symptoms just from your normal everyday life, walking, etc.

Pronation and supination are bio-mechanical problems, and are best treated and prevented with orthotic inserts. Best advice I can give you, is to go and see a qualified podiatrist for a complete foot-strike and running gait analysis. They will be able to tell you if there are any concerns regarding the way your feet are functioning. A good skate tech like JR can point you in the right direction, but the podiatrist should be your next step. The $80 for that visit will be well spent.

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My wife worked for a podiatrist...I didn't go to med school, he did, so I trust him in this regard.

His advice may be 100% correct, but your podiatrist didn't go to medical school either.

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My wife worked for a podiatrist...I didn't go to med school, he did, so I trust him in this regard.

His advice may be 100% correct, but your podiatrist didn't go to medical school either.

I understand all your concerns but here's the low down.Seen the Dr. Today. Yes I show medical signs that I do have this problem. Here they are:

I have harding of the skin in the same spot on the outside/ bottom of both my feet. Abot twice a year in both feet I have ankle problems with no reason. I have back problems and also suffer from alot of foot pain even in running shoes. My Dr says that this is a sure sign plus the X rays show it, Like my foot is uneven. I will need insoles and the good thing he stocks them....Sweet! Also He gave me a number to brians in windsor because he feels that I might want to get a holder that dosent bend???? A special holder???? I'll ask JR.Now this is my DR not a skate expert. With his experience with this normally you would just have alot of foot pain and cramping...He said WOW!! when he saw my skates and then said Are those Bent???.....That should'nt happen. So with his reaction it concerned me! And no the holders don't go back They are on my table as we speak 24 hrs later with the same wicked curve. Even my old 8090 did this and look the same and I have'nt worn them in weeks. And he did tell me that "yes" alot of people do have this but not this bad. So only worry if you have alot of foot pain and go through skates like water. And yes this problem I am having will break doen skates fast until I start to use insoles. so I hope this answers some questions and For the People PM ME give me some time, I can't beleive the response. Oh and one more thing the DR I am seeing is a sports DR And A regular doctor but his speciality is foot and ankle so this guy has some good credintals.

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Remeber I was telling you guys that my DR gave me a number for a brians pro shop in windsor. well I call ed it and they sell special insoles and find the persons balance point of every skate they sell. It cost 50Can. for insoles. Can you guys beleive this. Basically every skate they sell is custom to your foot balance!. I am like a 5 year old the night before X-mas. He even told me were my foot pains were and said are these bauer skates? because the LS2 holders are know for doing this if you have any kind of balance issue.

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My wife worked for a podiatrist...I didn't go to med school, he did, so I trust him in this regard.

His advice may be 100% correct, but your podiatrist didn't go to medical school either.

I take it you watched Seinfeld recently? :lol:

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My wife worked for a podiatrist...I didn't go to med school, he did, so I trust him in this regard.

His advice may be 100% correct, but your podiatrist didn't go to medical school either.

I take it you watched Seinfeld recently? :lol:

You anti-dentite.

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I noticed on my new flexlite 12's with LS2's that I had poor balance and bad foot pain. My skate place had to shift the back of one of the holders over a lot, but it cured the balance issue for me. I have orthodics from my podiatrist and do have bad ankles in terms of bad supination, but orthodics didn't cure everything for me.

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I noticed on my new flexlite 12's with LS2's that I had poor balance and bad foot pain. My skate place had to shift the back of one of the holders over a lot, but it cured the balance issue for me. I have orthodics from my podiatrist and do have bad ankles in terms of bad supination, but orthodics didn't cure everything for me.

Really the only problem I have is the freakin"" pain on the sides of my feet witch is caused by the unbalanced preassure. and the unbalanced feelling is caused by the fact that the LS2 holder is bent, so it is'nt functioning properly. It was cool when I called Brians sport shop he started telling me what hurted and why and it was like he was inside my foot. But heres the deal--these skates were a gift and the people that gave me these skates are pissed...not at me just the hole freekin situation. So Some how, werever, they purchased the skates the owner said he will just warranty them. So I get to break in new skates all over again. so I said why your at it Im really a 8.5 2E (JR) so the deal will be done this weekend. The Dr would like me to start with a new pair of skates because the kind of insoles he uses will bake into the skates twice for some reason. and my vapors have been baked once so my friends being a dick I guess is for the best. :lol:

Note: I feel it is important to let the members of MSH know that I have given JR A "TIP" for all his hard work and my phone calls. He went above and beyond to rectify my situation and For this I am very greatful so if you ever have the oppurtunity to deal with him in person, do so. Because as you understand this is a very stressful Situation and I feel that Jr did his best to ease the situation that he could of just said no to.... But thats not what a professional does....if it was easy anybody could do it!----Right.

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