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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dog Names

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The final decision on the dogs names are.....Duke! & Sam! I can't wait till February 8th

A big thanks to Everybody with the brainstorming, and especially twistoffate19, who came up with Duke, you should win a prize :P

Here's a link to a picture:


P.S. The dog thats looking into the Camera (Sam) Her eye normally isn't like that :ph34r: and they're just dirty from being in a saw dust pen, just wanted to make that clear so you guys didn't think these dogs were total slobs :)

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My dog's name is Drake, named after Dallas Drake, and he sure lives up to the name. My aunt and uncle had a dog name Barclay, after Blues bruiser Barclay Plager.

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So i ended up getting a dog yesterday and i did what you guys said n the other thread and he kinda looks like a peanut :lol: and is really small so we ended up naming him peanut but hes been having diarrhea and vomiting so well see what happens :(

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So i ended up getting a dog yesterday and i did what you guys said n the other thread and he kinda looks like a peanut :lol: and is really small so we ended up naming him peanut but hes been having diarrhea and vomiting so well see what happens :(

Peanut butter? :P

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I only read it once and my guess is he meant that if I killed that damn dog my wife leaves me, rendering me to date myself a.k.a. build up stronger wrists/forearms? If so, that's not the case because single dads are puddy magnets.

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Alfie, looking sorry for tearing up some furniture


Alfie with his "You talkin' to me" look when he has been caught tearing up some furniture


Jake on the couch, being a scruffy lazy sumbitch


Jake the poser


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