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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Drury curve

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My LHS has a Drury SL in an 85 flex that I was eyeing. As I usually play defense for my HS, how would the loft pattern be for slap shots. I don't have perfect form, but it's getting a lot better, as I've learned how to roll my wrists. The other pattern I was looking at was a Tucker in either an XN10 or R+ (TPS).

Thanks in advance. The curve looks very interesting to me (Drury); not very curved but really open.

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When making a major change in curve, it's not a bad idea to try a wood blade or something less expensive. That way you don't get stuck with a curve that you don't like or can't use on a $200 OPS.

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The thing with that though, is that I don't have a standard shaft, and my LHS is very shy on stocking tapered blades.

I figure that I can use most any curve with a little adjustment. Say; if I couldn't use the Drury as a Def. I could use it as a forward in another league I play in. I wouldn't really have any problem with that I think.

I figure that the worst thing will be adapting to the new stick-handling techniques. Currently I have a Nash TPS curve, and have gotten used to the mid curve for swinging a puck around. But I figure that if I can do it with a Modo, I can use most heel curves, right?

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Well you can't compare the Modo to the Drury just because they're heels. The Modo is more of a mid-heel, but the big difference is the Drury's a huge wedge.

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I've used both the Drury and Tucker, personally I like the Tucker better. Anybody on your team have either one you can try out for a practice since trying a replacement blade doesn't sound like an option?

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If you have a Tapered shaft ,just flip it around and put in a standard blade,Its it too long take out the blade and cut that end and not the tapered.That way you dont ruin your shaft.

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Mack - I was referring to the Modo because it's not a mid like I'm used to, such that there's no hook about half-way/toe-ish on it to pull the puck around with.

Ryno - Nope, no one on my team uses heel curves (other than Modo or a similar pro-stock).

Whbd18- Shortening the stick would mess it up for me anyway, I'm about 6' tall, and non of my tapered shafts are tall enough to use w/o a plug already.

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your slapshots will go much higher at first, but when you learn to control it and find the sweet spot for snappers, the drury curve is lethal

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your slapshots will go much higher at first, but when you learn to control it and find the sweet spot for snappers, the drury curve is lethal

I agree. I find it's easier to control your shots with the Drury if you roll your wrists over instead of under. Thats just me though.

I just recently bought a Drury SL 100 flex. Up till then I had been using mostly Modo and Modo clones. But I decided I was finally going to give the Drury a try. Best switch I have ever made. The curve is excellent for stickhandling, shooting, and passing (especially saucers) I finally understand why everyone loves this pattern so much.

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you can get a nike ignite wood for about $20-$30 in lemieux and try out the drury. they're not bad woods and they're a cheap and easy way to try out the drury. i almost got one by i like the feel/balance of the 5030 coffey more so i have a giant hook right now :D

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notorious - what do you mean by over rather than under? I only really know how to roll my wrists one way (no idea what way your describe, over maybe?) but it works on a sakic, and using the Whip TPS, it's easy as hell I found out.

Anyway, I'm thinking I'll just pull the trigger and get one of these, I mean, hey... If more than 60% of the NHL uses these, something's gotta be good about it.

By the way, how is it for wristers?

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I'm just going to vouch for Cavs and myself here...

The Drury is the greatest curve on the planet, you just have to learn how to tame it's viciousness...

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I like the drury a lot and its great for shooting and passing but I cant do drags worth anything with it. The toe is tooo thin. Made the switch to sakic and I can do everything i could with the drury but drags are easyer becuase the toe is more blunt.

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If you don't roll your wrists over, your shots are going to kill scoreboards.

That being said, I had got a new batch of blades made that I need to get pics up. I think I found the point where shovel/no curve becomes lethal.

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I don't get the roll your wrists over/under part....

If your lefy on the follow through of the shot your left hand should be over your right and the curve of the blade will be facing the ice and the toe of the blade will be pointing at your target. It adds that little bit of extra zing to the shot that you wouldn't get with just shooting and not snapping your wrist over.

I had a horrible time with this at 1st with a Recchi curve because the blade was so closed. Once I switched to Drury everything started to work. I was able to lift the puck and then I learned to turn my wrists over on the follow through because I had not probelm lifting it. Excellent blade. I'll never use anything else again.

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