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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

Silly question but... heat molding skates

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I know you're supposed to wait 24 hours before skating after having your skates heat molded, but has anyone tried to speed up "rest" period by cooling in freezer? Say, sticking in the freezer for a few hours or something?

Just curious. I have a 3 day trial period for some Kor skates, and want to try to get the most skating in as possible to see if they're right or not. Trying to figure out if I can squeeze an extra day out of it or not (after all, take 1 day off the 3 day trial if you wait a full 24 hours). I got them heated at noon today, and have a 10:30 game tonight, so was just trying to figure out a way to shorten the rest/cool down period without doing damage to the skate. Figured if I were to stick them in the freezer for 3 or 4 hours? Just thinking out loud.....

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I was told that it's not about the temperature it's about the chemicals curing with the rest cool down period, so if that's the case, freezing them would probably have the opposite effect - slowing down whatever chemical reactions are going on so it takes longer. I could easilu be wrong about this though - hopefully someone that knows for sure can help out!

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I have done it with a pair of Z-airs, I know it's not recomended (and you are taking a risk) but it can be done. I baked me skates, then put them in the freezer for 3-4 hours and they were really stiff again (like they were before baking), so I decieded to risk it, and never had any problems or anything! I guess try it at your own risk, if it doesn't work you just lost a lot of $$ on skate!

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I did it with one my second pair of xxx's, didn't even think about it being a problem, i was just trying to get the glue between the skate and the outsole to harden. Didn't matter anyway.

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I was told that it's not about the temperature it's about the chemicals curing with the rest cool down period, so if that's the case, freezing them would probably have the opposite effect - slowing down whatever chemical reactions are going on so it takes longer. I could easilu be wrong about this though - hopefully someone that knows for sure can help out!

different chemicals react better and quicker at different temperatures... so it might help to cool them down, however im assuming if that were the case with saktes...they would tell you to go home and put them in the freezer...

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i baked my graf's last night and skated in em 5 hours later. they were in the penalty box cooling off in between...they definitely didn't feel soft like when they come out of the oven...

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