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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom MIA gloves

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Nice gloves MoCorleone..

My friend Matt just order his pair (after seeing mine)

ps: MIA told us we could go to our LHS. I like the fact I got to make the final decision

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i ordered these last week and received them today. btw, great job MIA.


Did you use the online Customizer...or do the order in person? You have a lot more specific color layout than the online gives you options for.

Very nice gloves btw...

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thank you for all the complements. i used them tonite for the first time and they are by far the lightest gloves i've ever used.

radioGaGa, MIA offers in there catalog (available here on ModSquad) NHL Team colors. i believe you can make changes to there nhl line but these were the exact same color scheme in the catalog, which happened to be the ones i wanted (and the one that marcel hossa is currently sporting)

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i was looking at a pair that are all white with silver stripes and pink writing.

i customised them for fun, but then it said "ordewr placed"

does that mean i ordered them?

i didnt give a payment or even get a price .

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I saw some nylon MIA's in person the other night and they were a bit heavier than I expected them to be. They were brand new and I asked someone if I could see them so I didn't get a chance to try them on <_<

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This is a bit of a switch from the current path this topic is on but I wanted to add it in to clear some air...

Stephane from MIA did contact me today and they are going to take care of the missing embroidery situation. Great customer service can take you a long way.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

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Mia takes 3 weekes and from what I hear Eagle takea longer.

mine took 1 week :D

you got yours really fast.

i want the white with silver stripes and pink, are they nic egloves for 200$?

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