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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sher-Wood SOP Blades

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From the file of useless information, I just received a dozen Sher-Wood SOP relacement blades. The order was placed and the sample shipped on December 20. The blades arrived today, January 19. The turn around time is pretty fast since they were closed between Christmas and New Year. They also returned my customer's sample blade, which I requested.

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Do these still suck? Before I switched, I had some of these made up and they got all Christian-y on me in terms of warping on me and snapping at the hosels.

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I just looked at the blades again. They have the fibreglass reinforcement in the hozel. The fibreglass wrap is pretty simple, no bs fake graphite lines on the wrap. Plain SOP lettering on the blade and Sher-wood and player's name on the rest. I have been making custom blades for this guy forever. If they stink, he will let me know. His sample was from a great custom blade maker no longer in the hockey business: Branches. The Rhino Wrap custom blades were the best on the market. Each blade was true and they were durable as hell. I used them for myself for a long time long before OPS were a twinkle in Easton's eye. The good old days when a smaller vendor could make a few bucks and a quality product.

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I had some Branches customs and they were really inconsistant. One would last a month, the next would last a period. None were exactly the same and only one was even close to the sample. The retail blades were easy to curve though.

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I had some Branches customs and they were really inconsistant. One would last a month, the next would last a period. None were exactly the same and only one was even close to the sample. The retail blades were easy to curve though.

You are more high maintenance with equipment than half the NHL!

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i was planning to getting sherwood sop blades. ive made some inquiries but my lhs said i could not get long hosseled wood blades, no one makes them. is that true?

how much did your customers cost per blade? my lhs quoted 25cdn a blade, which is a really really good price.

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I had some Branches customs and they were really inconsistant. One would last a month, the next would last a period. None were exactly the same and only one was even close to the sample. The retail blades were easy to curve though.

You are more high maintenance with equipment than half the NHL!

I'm a picky SOB, no doubt about it.

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I had some Branches customs and they were really inconsistant. One would last a month, the next would last a period. None were exactly the same and only one was even close to the sample. The retail blades were easy to curve though.

You are more high maintenance with equipment than half the NHL!

I'm a picky SOB, no doubt about it.

how else are we going to gain our knowledge you if you aren't picky? ;)

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Just buy a stock blade and recurve it yourself. Jeeeze. It's not rocket science. I'll even teach you how to stencil your name on it so you can pretend to be a pro.

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No need to be a dick about it, Jimmy. Some people prefer not to go through the whole process of tweaking every stick blade. There's nothing wrong with that.

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what are the options for sop blades?

my sop wood sticks, the blade on them are super stiff but lack in feel.

wondeirng if theres any options to help that out

A lot of guys (like me) prefer stiffer wood blades. If they get too whippy they tend to end up off target.

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Ok i do realize that this thread is extremely old, but i don't really want to create a whole new thread. On the Sherwood customs, are you only able to get the traditional wood look, or can you get different colors aswell? I ask, because theres a chance i may be getting some SOP Blades with my beloved Khavanov curve, and just want to know my other options.

Yes i did search through 15-20 or so pages.

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damn there goes that idea

Get Christians, you only need to order 6.

Miike, as for those Khavanov blades if you get them, I might buy a couple if you dont want all of them. And I still have a Brand New Khavanov XN10, if you want it pm me.

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damn there goes that idea

Get Christians, you only need to order 6.

Miike, as for those Khavanov blades if you get them, I might buy a couple if you dont want all of them. And I still have a Brand New Khavanov XN10, if you want it pm me.

6 sounds more like the number i was looking for thanks whbd18

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damn there goes that idea

Get Christians, you only need to order 6.

Miike, as for those Khavanov blades if you get them, I might buy a couple if you dont want all of them. And I still have a Brand New Khavanov XN10, if you want it pm me.

Yea but the team im with deals with Sherwood so it would have to be them. I'll let you know about them if everything goes according to plan.

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