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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate sharpenings

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i just got my skates sharpened and the guy who did them said the guy whose benn doing them is ruining my blades because ive benn getting them sharpened too much cause hes not doin a very good job so my qoustion is how many times do get your skates sharpened each month i get mine doneevery week playing 3 practices and two games every week

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I skate three times then sharpen them. I can easily go longer but I prefer them to be exactly the same every time I step on the ice.

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i am lazy and sharpen mine about once a month... and that is skating about 4 times a week. Sad part is i sharpen my own skates for free and still don't do them..

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The older I get, the less I sharpen my skates. In the summer, I don't even bother. During the winter, it also depends which rink I'm skating at. My regular rink for playing has horrible ice, while the rinks where I work have smooth ice. I need a fresh sharpening to skate in this building.

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I only work weekends due to hockey right now and usallly due them every Sunday. I don't have to worry about customers as much because Sunday is our slow day.

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The older I get, the less I sharpen my skates.

:lol: The older I get, the more often I get mine sharpened.

Is that becaue you can't remember when the last sharpening was. :lol:

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i play college hockey, get them done once a week, usually before thurs prac when game is on fri.

btw off topic i used the sweetstick for the first time ever the other day, worst thing ever, does nothing but make ur skates so sharp you cant skate.,

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The older I get, the less I sharpen my skates.

:lol: The older I get, the more often I get mine sharpened.

Is that becaue you can't remember when the last sharpening was. :lol:

Not remotely possible! That's what post it notes are for. :P Just loving the feeling of a fresh sharpening and consistent edges.

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i play college hockey, get them done once a week, usually before thurs prac when game is on fri.

btw off topic i used the sweetstick for the first time ever the other day, worst thing ever, does nothing but make ur skates so sharp you cant skate.,

It's not making them sharper. The reason why you can't skate is because it ruins your edge by turning it in.

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i play college hockey, get them done once a week, usually before thurs prac when game is on fri.

btw off topic i used the sweetstick for the first time ever the other day, worst thing ever, does nothing but make ur skates so sharp you cant skate.,

It's not making them sharper. The reason why you can't skate is because it ruins your edge by turning it in.

your edge before sweetstick | | your edge after sweet stick / \

best i can do on a keyboard

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