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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sonny ReVerb

Skate tongue placement?

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Ive always put it under tongue, but with these new skates the specific tongue seems to be a tad big taller so i think Im going to try putting my shinpad over top now. because its hard to get the skate completly tight with a huge shinpad under the tongue.

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For me it depends on my skate. When I wore my Tack 152s I always put it on top and that seems to be the only way those skates feel comfortable. With my E40s however I have to wear my shins under my skates. I think it has a lot to do with the tongue and the eyelet placement on the skates. I've tried to wear my shins both ways with both skates and it really seems to limit my movement and comfort if I don't go with the way the tongue naturally sits.

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on my grafs i put them under the tongue. it felt weird putting them over the tongue. but on my mission roller skates they feel better over. maybe i'm just weird :P

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Great thread...... Question?? I skate Graf 705s and wear my shinguards over the tongue. My question is; How far down should my shinguards come? They come down to the top/last eyelit now. Is that low enough or do I need longer shinpads?

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Shinpads under tongue.

I tried putting them over for a while, but my current ones aren't long enough; they tend to slip downwards and leave my knee less protective. I'm getting some new pads that are slightly longer and better fitting, so I'll have to experiment to see which way feels better on those.

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A good tongue curl is one of the best looks...maybe not the most protective. Anyone who takes their socks all the way to the bottom of the boot and hooks them to the runner, should be banned from hockey all together. One word describes this...."pondrocket"

skate tongue under with my 17" shinpads its hard to get a good fit if i dont, and i have taken to many shot off the foot to wear them otherwise.

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I also wear my shins over the tongue, I have pro tacks and the tongue is really stiff and not that long, my shins come down to at least the 2nd eyelet. although I keep the bottom strap of my shins really loose and I only tape up around my knee as to keep my ankle pretty free for mobility.

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