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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Roman Deadlift is a cross between back and legs. If you do squat, DL, Bench, press you pretty much cover your whole body.

You could do a shorter version of the HST and do 2 sets of those 4 lifts 3x per week. That way you cover every muscle and not waste time in the gym.

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I've never felt comfortable doing stiff-leg DLs with anything close to max weight. I use it more as a stretching exercise, 135 for 20 reps.

I've been lifting for 12 years now, and was entirely too quad-dominant until a year ago. I now frequently include good mornings, reverse hypers, and glute ham raises in my workouts, and my squat and deadlift have never been better. Glute ham raises should be done by everyone looking for leg strength, yet no one does them.

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  anko said:
I've never felt comfortable doing stiff-leg DLs with anything close to max weight. I use it more as a stretching exercise, 135 for 20 reps.

I've been lifting for 12 years now, and was entirely too quad-dominant until a year ago. I now frequently include good mornings, reverse hypers, and glute ham raises in my workouts, and my squat and deadlift have never been better. Glute ham raises should be done by everyone looking for leg strength, yet no one does them.

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you shouldn't be able to lift the same amount doing straight leg dl. Your only asking to hurt yourself if a person tried to. The most I ever do to warm up my back is 225. So 60% of my max. Good mornings I usually use around 135lbs. But right now I'm also stronger than I will ever need for hockey I play.

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  chippa13 said:
One of the best ways to see gains, get rid of the word routine.
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So just go into the gym and have nothing planned out and just do random shit is the best way to see gains? Damn thats what all the worlds best body builders and powerlifters and what not are doing wrong.

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  Jesse_01 said:
you shouldn't be able to lift the same amount doing straight leg dl. Your only asking to hurt yourself if a person tried to. The most I ever do to warm up my back is 225. So 60% of my max. Good mornings I usually use around 135lbs. But right now I'm also stronger than I will ever need for hockey I play.
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Apparently we had a misunderstanding. I didn't mean to imply anything about any non-stiff leg DL. I can stiff leg a lot more than 135, but I choose not to, because I don't feel the exercise is ideal for bulking.

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I agree with mixing it up, which is what I think chippa is saying. I just have trouble thinking of enough different exercises to switch it up very often.

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  anko said:
Apparently we had a misunderstanding. I didn't mean to imply anything about any non-stiff leg DL. I can stiff leg a lot more than 135, but I choose not to, because I don't feel the exercise is ideal for bulking.
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I was agreeing with that stiff leg dl #'s should no where be close to non-stiff leg dl. If a person's numbers are close they got some poor DL form. Know what I mean.

  sitzlejd said:
I agree with mixing it up, which is what I think chippa is saying. I just have trouble thinking of enough different exercises to switch it up very often.
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As long as you keep your main lifts. Just switch up the assistance lifts.

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  sitzlejd said:
I agree with mixing it up, which is what I think chippa is saying. I just have trouble thinking of enough different exercises to switch it up very often.
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You don't need a million exercises to rotate through. Just concentrate on changing your main lifts every couple weeks. Squat for 3 weeks, deadlift for 3 weeks, change up you assistance stuff. There are plenty of exercises. Go to DeFranco's Westside For Skinny Bastards, it's good to go. You don't need to reinvent the wheel every time you go in the gym.

You still mix it up with a purpose.

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Squatting question: how much do you guys squat as a percentage to body weight? I'm thinking in terms of an eight-rep set.


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  sitzlejd said:
Squatting question: how much do you guys squat as a percentage to body weight? I'm thinking in terms of an eight-rep set.


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Squat the most you can with good form for 8 reps. What percentage of your body weight that is will depend on your strength. I've seen people be able to do 8 heavy reps with good form with anywhere from 50% to 200% of their body weight, and I'm sure there are some that could do more - all dependent on their previous training and strength levels.

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I know I'm diggin up an old thread but I need help with my hang cleans. I've only recently started doing them but im fairly dissapointed. I'm 15 years old about 5'8 and weigh 145. I can squat 210 and deadlift 205, my hangclean though is 85! That certainly doesn't seem right so do you guys thing this is primarily form related and if so what are some ways to improve.

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Are you doing your hang cleans with a barbell? If so, when you are at the hang (starting position):

(i) is your lower back locked?

(ii) are your knees bent?

(iii) is the barbell touching your thighs?

And, I'm not an expert, but these are some of the things that I concentrate on doing.

What do you feel is limiting your hang clean? Legs and/or back and/or trapezius and/or grip?

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Little side-note reaching back to the split/pistol squat:

I just started having enough time to do a little movement now and then (I may take the manacles off my desk in July!), and was given the interesting tip that most of the time the inability to do a full pistol squat (hamstring down to calf, extend, repeat) at bodyweight is not generally a matter of 'strength' but of balance: like most exercises, but moreso in this case, you need to train the movement before you can start loading on weight. The difference is that most idiots can do some semblance of a bench press or a squat and add weight to that, even if it kills them, because these are fairly balanced position; most people can't balance through a partial pistol even unweighted.

Anyhow, the advice I was given in my feeble state was to do pistols with the opposite arm (eg. left arm with right leg) in a lay-back position on a bar (or doorframe), but not actually touching it. If balance starts to go at any phase, even a slight touch on the bar is enough to reestablish balance and complete the movement. Obviously, as the movement is trained, those touches become both less frequent and less in duration and weight eventually becoming unnecessary and allowing weight to be added to the trained movement.

By the way, K, just wanted to say your recent posts on these subjects have been terrific. Are you studying actively?

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Law Goalie: no, I've just read through the many sites that posters in this thread have linked to, and experimented on myself the last few off-seasons to see what worked best for my age and body type.

I'm definitely stronger and quicker than I have been in years, and my off-season training has been a lot more efficient (mostly compound lifts).

Last year I did some in-season training too, and it seems to have worked; my full back squat dropped from 345 to 295 during the season, instead of down to 225 like it normally does.

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  On 5/25/2011 at 4:31 PM, ktang said:

Are you doing your hang cleans with a barbell? If so, when you are at the hang (starting position):

(i) is your lower back locked?

(ii) are your knees bent?

(iii) is the barbell touching your thighs?

And, I'm not an expert, but these are some of the things that I concentrate on doing.

What do you feel is limiting your hang clean? Legs and/or back and/or trapezius and/or grip?

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I feel im doing all of this it seems im having trouble getting the weight up so explosiveness?

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Could you have somebody video you (a cell phone video might be good enough), upload it somewhere, and link to it here?

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