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butt end tape

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I haven't used tape on the butt end of my stick in years and wonder why everyone uses it. I rarely drop my stick or get it knocked out of my hands. If I do, picking it up is no problem. I have great feel and can stick handle well. I have no loss in performance. And, most importantly ...

tape eats gloves!!

so, why they hell does everyone put tape on their butt ends?

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I am still newish to hockey, I lose my stick a good bit, and am not as solid on my skates a I like to be, so the butt just allows a little more grab area when picking it up in stride, otherwise I would be fumbling trying to pick it up and falling on my ass in the process.

Also, for grip. I have 4 woodies and one composite, no grip sticks, so prevents the stick flying from my hands through someones eye as well

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good question. I know guys that put tons of tape around the end of their stick, and it almost looks like patrick roy's goalie sticks of the past. I myself, wrap tape around the end twice. That's it. it's a small section of tape that usually does the same job of grabbing my glove as a gigantic handle like some guys put on. I think it's just a preference thing. What you've used for a long time.

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I put the butt end in the palm of my hand and I prefer the extra size of a 1/4" knob to help with grip.

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In some leagues you're technically supposed to put enough of a butt end on your stick that the end of your stick will not fit through a cage. If it fits through a cage you could get a penalty...although I've played in leagues like that when I was younger and NEVER saw a penalty called for that. I just grew up taping a pretty large butt end on my sticks, got used it and kept doing it...it's more out of habit then anything else.

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break the habit! save your palms! :)

That is interesting about there being a rule for using it. Maybe that was a league rule? I played in college without tape and never had anyone say anything. I've also seen some pro players shave down the wooden butt ends so they are almost pointy. Now that looks scary.

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I used to use black tape and that ate through gloves...since I've switched to white I've had no problems...I've had a pair of gloves for two years and while the palms are a bit dirty they show little to no wear and they have no holes. When I was using black tape holes would develop within 1 season. So while I wouldn't recommend using black tape for butt ends/grip I think white tape is fine. If you can use no tape, play well that way and there are no rules against it in the league you play in then great. Personally I think I'm going to cut back on the butt end size on future sticks, but still put a bit of white tape on the end for grip. I do like to attempt poke checks from time to time and think the tape on the end of the stick helps prevent my stick from sliding out of my hands.

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I tape my butt end with a corded grip and a 1/2 inch long by 1 inch wide (including stick) because it helps me grip my stick while digging & poke checking with one hand. Also, the grip affords me better control when moving my lower hand because the friction holds it in place. BTW, I also use white tape so my gloves are fine.

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i like haveing a tape on my butt end becuase it helps find the end quickly without your hand slipping off. i also have the butt end in my palm a bit when i play so it just helps me hold on to my stick. its mainly PP

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Copied from the USA Hockey rulebook..

The sticks shall be made of wood or other material approved

by the Rules Committee, and must not have any projections.

Adhesive tape of any color may be wrapped around the stick

at any place for the purpose of reinforcement or to improve

control of the puck. The end of a hollow stick must be fully


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One year I was playing without using a butt end and I got checked hard into the boards. Since the end was open it sliced right through my small finger. If I had a butt end, my finger would have been smashed, but not cut. I'd definitely advise against open butt ends.

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One year I was playing without using a butt end and I got checked hard into the boards. Since the end was open it sliced right through my small finger. If I had a butt end, my finger would have been smashed, but not cut. I'd definitely advise against open butt ends.

i thought in some leagues it was illigal to have them open,.

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All my OPS and shafts have no end plug and an open butt end....I take the end a little just for grip and have never had any kind of trouble with this....If you were wearing gloves how would you finger get sliced?

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A guy on my team filled his OPS with water, had the cap off the top, and dumped it on a player on the other team.


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All my OPS and shafts have no end plug and an open butt end....I take the end a little just for grip and have never had any kind of trouble with this....If you were wearing gloves how would you finger get sliced?

It went right through the glove.

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