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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need a witty put-down/sarcastic quote

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Ok here’s the breakdown. A woman that I work with has a new position in the company and today is her last day in my department. A card is being passed around for everyone to sign. The reason I need a good put-down is because I can’t stand the lazy good-for-nothing troll! She comes to work 30-45 min late does nothing to help anyone out, surfs E-Bay all day, then goes home about 30 min early everyday. It’s common around here for us to go back and help out in the warehouse if there is a huge order or transfer, but she will just sit on her lazy a$$ and watch tv. I’m not exaggerating! :angry:

I’m thinking about putting something like this on her card:

Good luck, I’m sure your hard work and dedication will be fully appreciated in your new position.

Please tell me you guys can come up with something better!!!

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In my opinion if you are in a professional environment you might want to be the better person. Someone will notice her behavior some day and it will catch up to her. I would refrain from saying anything that other people are going to tie to you. Just wish her luck and move on.

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awww man...you had to go and bring up the whole "professional" thing.... :angry:

I just so much wanna get that last dig!!

Well I will consider it. Thanks for being the 'angel' in the proverbial shoulder. :D


Thats too funny!! But I think I need to be a bit more subtle. Thanks!

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Congratulations on your new position, I'm sure everyone in that department will come to appreciate your work ethic and team spirit as much as we have.

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Mack, that one is soooo her! but I decided to go with Chadds suggestion...wanted to keep it subtle and since it was coming from me she would get it...but everyone else would be none the wiser. :lol:

Thanks for the help!

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