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Trophy for World cup of Hockey unveiled

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I was actually just walking outside by the Hall of Fame (it's in the building where I work) and saw them wheeling the case with that cup into a limo - one of the "guards" was that guy you see in the commericials as the keeper of the Stanley Cup. Anyhow, I'm glad I didn't see the actual cup because the picture is freaking me out. It's like a trophy from bizarro land.

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Looks fugly to me, guy's can't even drink out of it when they win.

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Guest Datsyuk*13

The cup top thing screws off and the teams get to keep it is what i heard. then they replace it with a new one each year. Kinda awkward but not a bad idea.

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wow, looks fuglier than any other trophy. Why do new trophys have to be the "abstract" and "expressionistic" kind? i actually like the old school cups that were like a big wine glass or a bowl on top of a wood base

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I think if you get all the images out of your mind of traditional trophys like the stanley cup it actually looks alright. I still would like somethings more tradiontial but it looks pretty neat.

EDIT- It would look better if it was just the inside part and not the clear outside.

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The designer should be dragged out to an alley and shot. :rolleyes:  The only way it will be cool is if Canada wins it. :P

haha, GREAT idea there kiddo. This "designer" just happens to be the most famous and respected architect in the world. It is a fantastic trophy, but the problem is that 99% of the hockey world just doesn't understand Frank Gehry.

edit: I hate spelling mistakes

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It's alright. Im just not into the hi-tech looking stuff. Just a big silver statue would be more to my taste.

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How can you call it the Canada Cup when it's not a cup?! ;) Someone should either make it into a cup or rename it the Canada Trophy or something like that. :lol:

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It could have been some cheesy globe-like thing with a cup on top. At least it isn't that bad.

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