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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hand Held Sharpening tools

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Of the million sharpening tools out on the market, which would you recommend? I use the sweet stick right now to restore my edge to a point, but I'm looking for something that will actually restore or sharpen my blade.

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Concur what the others have said. The Sweet stick is a great refresher tool. I find that most use too much pressure when using it. You don't even have to push on it, just drag it along the edge. That's enough.

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We just started using Lil Red by Blademaster. It works pretty well.

lil red is actually more of a honing device to remove the burs because it goes along the edge not on the edge

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You can use a flat stone as often as you like, but you have to hold it right so it is pefectly flat with the blade, and not tilted (or it will grind the edge). A flat stone is pretty much essential this time of year, when grains of sand in the rubber leave divots in the blade edges.

I find that if you are doing a lot of stone work to get rid of a diviot, a little water on the stone really helps.

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We just started using Lil Red by Blademaster. It works pretty well.

I liked the one I saw when our rep brought them around.

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They are in stock from the US distributor. As a honing tool, they really do the job after sharpening. I am still very old school having used handstones for 25+ years but I am impressed with Lil Red for honing after sharpening. Just my opinion.

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As I said in another topic, I use the Rediedge-ice.com's sharpening tool. I am happy with it. I haven't yet had to get a paid sharpening since I got it in October. I play on average twice a week. I used to get a sharpening after every four skates. I am probably due for a sharpening now though, as I've got some pretty deep nicks that the tool won't take out without a lot of time.

The way this tool works is it actually digs out your hollow. Combined with a flat stone for the outside it makes a very sharp edge, keeps your hollow and keeps the edges even.

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There are a lot of good honing stones out there, what so "special" about little red?

Clamshell design so you can hit both sides at the same time.

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