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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Don't get me near with one of those people... Im going to rip their heads off...

Land of the Free...Thank God! Oh and canada too :D

Just got through the hole thing (As I watch my to dogs chill out on the Sofa) ......Now I am filled with rage...... I'll go workout.

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I watched maybe the first 5 seconds and WOW. Just disgracefull, cant believe anybody would do that.

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Absolutely disgusting. Stuff like that, I can't watch. People like that should burn. Burn in Hell. Die a slow, painful death. :angry:

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I couldn't watch past the first 30 seconds... I have a dog and four cats...

sick! I am sure that stuff like this happens in the US to non domesticated animals that I eat, but I don't want to know about it...

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I wonder if my minks is really minks.

They actually import cat and dog furs to europe mislabled as something else..so who knows right?

...Damn those bastards.

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As much as I hate the retards from PETA, that is pretty bad...

I opened it and saw it was from PETA so I immediately closed it.

Good call... On a side note I saw Pen and Tellers show Bullsh!@'s episode on PETA its pretty interesting.

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