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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pictures of your room/ dorm

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pldhockey, you my friend, need martha stewart ;)

THockey, that is a sick room, i'd love to have one on my house.

just one question tho, why does the couch face away from the screen?

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How are we sure you didn't Photoshop any of that THockey? Hmmm...

Haha, just messin with ya...nice room you got there

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Looks like something you'd see on MTV Cribs

That room looks like it's about the size of my apartment.


Thats definately a tight room. Good job ;)

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just one question tho, why does the couch face away from the screen?

There is another couch facing straight towards the screen, you just cant see it.

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Thats one sick room, is that your bedroom or just like a family room sort of thing? Projector would be amazing for hockey games.

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This is my Room. I just redid the place, so it's a little bare at this point. Still working on the bathroom, actually "cemented" a portion for the shower about 10 minutes before the picture.

Doorway - Where the Blue Pens Jersey used to be for those who remember




Where I put my Texts and Notebooks

Calculus and Algebra Shelf

TV, CDs, XBOX 360

Need another throw rug to go beside this one

The lighter Brown one will be replaced with a Couch/Love Seat

Shakespeare/Modern British Lit Shelf

Sink/Soon to be Shower



Working on the Shower now, should be done this weekend. We had a flood a month or two back and have been working on the room since. The Bathroom's taken a fair chunk.

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Projector would be amazing for hockey games.

Why? Some more high end projection systems do give a nice picture, but unless you have TOTAL darkness, most projection systems are average at best. DPL would be they best bang for your buck (to be totaly off topic btw)

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The flash makes this room look all reflective and cold, but it's pretty nice. 60" HDTV + satellite + nice stereo on this side with a pool table in the middle. Not my "room", but I prefer to sleep on the couch so I usually crash there, hence the blanket.


Dual monitors makes it nice to listen to itunes and do homework at the same time, with a PS2/Xbox/SNES/Genesis on the little TV.


And, of course, where all my money goes nowadays.




My room kinda sucks, and I didn't decorate the basement so that's kinda why it sucks. Oh well, the rents are still giving me free room and board, so I can't complain.....

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Well I didn't mean little as in it's a small TV, but little as in to differentiate between the big and not quite as big TV's :P

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My room kinda sucks, and I didn't decorate the basement so that's kinda why it sucks. Oh well, the rents are still giving me free room and board, so I can't complain.....

Man, you have a big middle finger! Thats a pretty cool place. I'm still a young'un so live with family, all i have is my 10 by 10 box of a room, but it gets me by!

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