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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What are you going to be?

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A masters is nice (in the school system) if you want to move up the chain. A teacher in my old school was hired as a science teacher, he had a masters in child studies (or something like that) and within the year he was head of the science department. The next year he was Assistant Principal.

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Hockey Player, I know the chances.... but something I think I'm capable of. Ultimitely the NHL, but I wouldn't mind playing minor leagues or in Europe..

If that fails...

Something with hockey, Coach, Own a team, Own a LHS.. ANYTHING

Also I would love to design/develop hockey gear,(Preferably skates) My friends brother designs New Balance shoes and makes a pretty good living. Any idea on what course I would take in college to preper for a career like that?

I'm going into 9th grade.

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  Chadd said:
  Wayne said:
  mack said:

That's not the problem with being one though, the malpractice fears are.

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Not to mention 8 years of school, and 5-7 years of residency.

And after all that, anesthesiologists are most likely to abuse the stuff they administer themselves...

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As long as there's an upside....

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Interesting food for thought...Your average narcotic abusing anesthesiologist or CRNA abuses fentanyl. Fentanyl abusers have a life expectancy of one year from the first time they shoot up. Ouch..

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hopefully a plastic reconstrucitve/cosmetic or trauma surgeon

if that doesnt work out then its either pornstar or rapper ;) (i keed)

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  foppa21 said:
  Chadd said:
  Wayne said:
  mack said:

That's not the problem with being one though, the malpractice fears are.

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Not to mention 8 years of school, and 5-7 years of residency.

And after all that, anesthesiologists are most likely to abuse the stuff they administer themselves...

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As long as there's an upside....

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Interesting food for thought...Your average narcotic abusing anesthesiologist or CRNA abuses fentanyl. Fentanyl abusers have a life expectancy of one year from the first time they shoot up. Ouch..

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I'm sure Anesthesiologists know a bit more about dosages than the average fentanyl abusers. But in any sense, I assume you were referring to the Dateline episode a few months back.

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I'm currently going to Temple University for a degree in Sports Management. Pretty cool major but a tough business to break in to. I have an internship with the Philadelphia Flyers in the fall. Maybe I'll bring them some luck...haha.

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When I grow up I want to be a bum and live everyone elses dime. For now I guess I will have to pay the bills the old fashion way... marry rich.

In all seriousness, I got my BS in Mechanical Engineering and my first job was designing the cabinetry and amenities in business jets. Did that for two and a half years and moved over to their propulsion group where I was responsible for the engines and engine systems. After a year of doing that, I took a job with a different company doing structural analysis on the tooling used to build Boeing and Airbus jets. Thursday willbe my last day here as I am moving over to the automotive industry to do Structural and manufacturing analysis as well as product test development.

My advice for those wanting to get a Masters degree, go out and get a job first. It was mentioned before that a lot of companies are turned off by masters degrees without experience because of the increased starting salaries. They would rather pay a bachelors degree candidate less for the same amount of experience.

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  VECHKIN08 said:

I'm currently going to Temple University for a degree in Sports Management. Pretty cool major but a tough business to break in to. I have an internship with the Philadelphia Flyers in the fall. Maybe I'll bring them some luck...haha.

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Just curious, how did you get in contact with the teams? Also did you get any other offers from other leagues? I have always wanted to do something that involves sports when i grow up.

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  Wayne said:
  foppa21 said:
  Chadd said:
  Wayne said:
  mack said:

That's not the problem with being one though, the malpractice fears are.

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Not to mention 8 years of school, and 5-7 years of residency.

And after all that, anesthesiologists are most likely to abuse the stuff they administer themselves...

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As long as there's an upside....

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Interesting food for thought...Your average narcotic abusing anesthesiologist or CRNA abuses fentanyl. Fentanyl abusers have a life expectancy of one year from the first time they shoot up. Ouch..

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I'm sure Anesthesiologists know a bit more about dosages than the average fentanyl abusers. But in any sense, I assume you were referring to the Dateline episode a few months back.

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It's not a matter of dosing and titration knowledge. Fentanyl is just like many other drugs in the sense that the longer you abuse it, the more you have to use, or the shorter time between doses you need to achieve the same high. However, you're also dealing with a narcotic that is 100 times more potent milligram for milligram than morphine, so there isn't an extremely large room for air once you start titrating those doses up to achieve your high.

I'm not aware of the Dateline episode you mentioned. I'm a nurse myself, and know many CRNAs and Anesthesiologists through my mother, who is a CRNA. A close family friend of ours was a fentanyl abuser and almost died twice and spent a week and a half in an ICU after the second episode before he thankfully got clean.

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  Cheesehead said:
  VECHKIN08 said:

I'm currently going to Temple University for a degree in Sports Management. Pretty cool major but a tough business to break in to. I have an internship with the Philadelphia Flyers in the fall. Maybe I'll bring them some luck...haha.

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Just curious, how did you get in contact with the teams? Also did you get any other offers from other leagues? I have always wanted to do something that involves sports when i grow up.

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Well I'm super low on the totem pole and I don't have any connections with any pro sports teams so it's my path to make. It's required to do a Junior internship in my program and I had to do something with hockey. Philadelphia Flyers games/promos/tv contacts are all run by Comcast-Spectacor. I went on to NHL.com and went to the job links at the bottom of the home page. Scrolled through found that the Flyers were looking for interns in the fall and signed up. I had to submit a resume/cover letter and fill out a registration packet. Then about a week later got a phone call for interviews from an HR intern with comcast. Set-up a date and met with two guys from the Flyers. The one guy is charge of Fan Development and the other ran the Flyers Skate Zone Marketing team. After the interviews they called me about 2 weeks later and offered me the internship.

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  TheBert said:

How well regarded are undergraduate degrees from Canadian universities? I may be looking at moving to the U.S. and want to get a feel for job prospects.

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I'd like to think the degrees in Canada are very well respected. University of Toronto is known internationally, Disney hires a ton of animators from Sheridan College, and I'm pretty sure that one of Waterloo University's top employers is Microsoft.

Keep in mind that a degree is about an education and learning. It is no guarantee to a job or a good job.

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  VECHKIN08 said:
  Cheesehead said:
  VECHKIN08 said:

I'm currently going to Temple University for a degree in Sports Management. Pretty cool major but a tough business to break in to. I have an internship with the Philadelphia Flyers in the fall. Maybe I'll bring them some luck...haha.

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Just curious, how did you get in contact with the teams? Also did you get any other offers from other leagues? I have always wanted to do something that involves sports when i grow up.

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Well I'm super low on the totem pole and I don't have any connections with any pro sports teams so it's my path to make. It's required to do a Junior internship in my program and I had to do something with hockey. Philadelphia Flyers games/promos/tv contacts are all run by Comcast-Spectacor. I went on to NHL.com and went to the job links at the bottom of the home page. Scrolled through found that the Flyers were looking for interns in the fall and signed up. I had to submit a resume/cover letter and fill out a registration packet. Then about a week later got a phone call for interviews from an HR intern with comcast. Set-up a date and met with two guys from the Flyers. The one guy is charge of Fan Development and the other ran the Flyers Skate Zone Marketing team. After the interviews they called me about 2 weeks later and offered me the internship.

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Thats so cool! So are you an intern for Fan Development?

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  VECHKIN08 said:
  Cheesehead said:
  VECHKIN08 said:

I'm currently going to Temple University for a degree in Sports Management. Pretty cool major but a tough business to break in to. I have an internship with the Philadelphia Flyers in the fall. Maybe I'll bring them some luck...haha.

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Just curious, how did you get in contact with the teams? Also did you get any other offers from other leagues? I have always wanted to do something that involves sports when i grow up.

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Well I'm super low on the totem pole and I don't have any connections with any pro sports teams so it's my path to make. It's required to do a Junior internship in my program and I had to do something with hockey. Philadelphia Flyers games/promos/tv contacts are all run by Comcast-Spectacor. I went on to NHL.com and went to the job links at the bottom of the home page. Scrolled through found that the Flyers were looking for interns in the fall and signed up. I had to submit a resume/cover letter and fill out a registration packet. Then about a week later got a phone call for interviews from an HR intern with comcast. Set-up a date and met with two guys from the Flyers. The one guy is charge of Fan Development and the other ran the Flyers Skate Zone Marketing team. After the interviews they called me about 2 weeks later and offered me the internship.

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Good job! You have a foot in the door. Check it out and update us.

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  Cheesehead said:
  VECHKIN08 said:
  Cheesehead said:
  VECHKIN08 said:

I'm currently going to Temple University for a degree in Sports Management. Pretty cool major but a tough business to break in to. I have an internship with the Philadelphia Flyers in the fall. Maybe I'll bring them some luck...haha.

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Just curious, how did you get in contact with the teams? Also did you get any other offers from other leagues? I have always wanted to do something that involves sports when i grow up.

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Well I'm super low on the totem pole and I don't have any connections with any pro sports teams so it's my path to make. It's required to do a Junior internship in my program and I had to do something with hockey. Philadelphia Flyers games/promos/tv contacts are all run by Comcast-Spectacor. I went on to NHL.com and went to the job links at the bottom of the home page. Scrolled through found that the Flyers were looking for interns in the fall and signed up. I had to submit a resume/cover letter and fill out a registration packet. Then about a week later got a phone call for interviews from an HR intern with comcast. Set-up a date and met with two guys from the Flyers. The one guy is charge of Fan Development and the other ran the Flyers Skate Zone Marketing team. After the interviews they called me about 2 weeks later and offered me the internship.

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Thats so cool! So are you an intern for Fan Development?

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Yup! Haha I'll be the guy down on the ice sliding around on knee pads chuckin' shirts in the crowd!! Well I might be...I'll be involved in most of the in-house promos/public appearances/community events type stuff. I'll have my intro in late August with the organization. Apparently they hired another intern from Canada and he has to file for student visa/housing bullshit and they want us to get started at the same time. But I'm stoked as hell and can't wait. I'll keep you guys updated on how shits going no doubt. Maybe I'll bump into Briere and some of his skill would bless me :lol:

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I've personally always wanted to get into a type of graphic design field or maybe even a video game creation field. More than likely though I'm going to go for IT and then maybe minor in graphic design and freelance work in my spare time to make some extra cash. I'm only going to be a freshman this year though so right now I'm still "undecided", I'm just going to talk to my advisor and research what I like best, then I'll decide and go towards what I'm going to be.

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  Cavs019 said:

You shouldn't be specializing your schedule as a senior in high school, especially when most college freshman, let alone high school seniors are unsure of their true academic passion. Ibanks want people who are supremely intelligent above all else. Your finance related experience should come through internships throughout college unless your majoring in economics or in an undergraduate business program. My best friend graduated from Brown with a philosophy degree and is now at UBS, to illustrate my line of thought.

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Yeah, I just want to second these thoughts. Quite a many I-bankers have never taken a business course in college. But as Cavs note, you have to be very intelligent and a fast learner. As an analyst, your life is going to be about modeling, pitchbooks, and playing slave. You will have your training if you actually get the job and it will be pretty intense few weeks. Coming from a target school is pretty important unless you have connections and good networking skills- is what I have found from some IB message boards.

In investment management though and some other finance fields, some finance and business work is pretty important in college.

BTW- Those who want to be bankers. What part of an IB do you want to work in. Do you know what an IB actually does?

Not many careers will give you a better exit opportunity than working at an Investment bank. After your first 2 years, you are expected to go to B-school in most cases (Unless you work in sales/trading). After that, they sky is the limit. After B-school some move into Private equity or hedge funds, etc since the quality of life is a little better.

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Thockey will now be making MONEY @ Goldman Sachs. Its not what you know, its who you know...and in my case that would be a VP.

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From what I remember you're not out of college, and Goldman doesn't hire interns in August. But hey, flossing on message boards is the cool thing to do these days.

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It is true....Probably no firm will set you up better for the future than GS, but they are also the ultimate slave drivers of the street. If you can indeed get in, I hope you enjoyed your teen years and made the best of them.

BTW- FYI, 17....Goldman Sachs typically pays a little less than street to younger workers/ analysts...Because they know they have the name and the recognition.

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