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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXX gloves in custom colors?

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Is there anyway to purchase custom pairs of them? Or even in colors of teams that aren't retail patterns, like the ones pictured below?



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I guess you can get them for a whole team, but a single custom pair will cost $$$ (i hope this isnt true cause i would love a custom pair)

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These are the only "make-to-order" colors from NBH for Vapor XXX gloves:Black/Red, Royal, Red, Blue/Red/White, and Navy/Red/White. The Vapor XX glove is "make-to-order" in Blue/Red/White, Black/Gold, Black/Silver, Navy/Silver,Red/Silver, Maroon, Green, Black/Orange, and Navy/Gold. These colors are only available when a dealer places his booking order. They are not "in stock" colors at NBH. I booked X, XV, and XX in Navy/Gold for our travel team last year. They looked like Kovi's gloves. Ask your LHS to book the color you want. They would be shipped in summer at the earliest. The price would be the same as the regular colors, at least in my shop.

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i have to say im very partial to the red/white color scheme of the vapor gloves.  i love the new one90 gloves but idk if the red/white combo is going to look good.  i need new gloves...

but nylon red/white xxx's 


You mean these?


Those are nice....these ones look good too, IMO -


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If your willing to wait until march, i would be happy to pick you up a pair of maize and blue XXXs from the Michigan equipment sale.

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i have to say im very partial to the red/white color scheme of the vapor gloves.  i love the new one90 gloves but idk if the red/white combo is going to look good.  i need new gloves...

but nylon red/white xxx's 


You mean these?


Those are nice....these ones look good too, IMO -


yes those...selling?

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These are the only "make-to-order" colors from NBH for Vapor XXX gloves:Black/Red, Royal, Red, Blue/Red/White, and Navy/Red/White. The Vapor XX glove is "make-to-order" in Blue/Red/White, Black/Gold, Black/Silver, Navy/Silver,Red/Silver, Maroon, Green, Black/Orange, and Navy/Gold. These colors are only available when a dealer places his booking order. They are not "in stock" colors at NBH. I booked X, XV, and XX in Navy/Gold for our travel team last year. They looked like Kovi's gloves. Ask your LHS to book the color you want. They would be shipped in summer at the earliest. The price would be the same as the regular colors, at least in my shop.

Are you able to get only one pair? Or does it have to be a team set?

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Your LHS can order them one pair at a time, only on his booking order. Then the gloves are "make-to-order." I book the Navy/Gold for the travel team in our building. I booked them in Supreme and Vapor gloves. They will not be shipped until July, at the earliest.

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If they ship in July, how long does it take to come?

Check your PM aswell in a few moments :P

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