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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Warrior Gloves

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Kovy is sporting new Warrior gloves this afternoon. They are not 4 rollbacks like Roberts is sporting they are a newlly designed Warrior gloves. The pics will probably be in the gallery later. At first I thought they were CCM Vectors.

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They are clearly new gloves, I saw them often to notice that they were new and I've never seen them before.

EDIT: After looking at gloves, I think the gloves Kovy wore this afternoon's game were resembling nylon Itech HG8500 but with Warrior written on them.

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they will be out sometime later this year. around june i posted that in another thread

At the show they said it would probably be introduced at the show in November.

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sorry off topic but where is the show going to be in November? Boston again? just wondering

Montreal. I've heard conflicting info about the other show being in Toronto/Vegas.

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You can see a blurry picture of them right now on the main web page of www.rds.ca

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Kovy is sporting new Warrior gloves this afternoon.

That's four different brands so far this season.





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