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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Diffrent Tints on Visors

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Well now that my high school hockey days are coming to an end and the beer leagues are calling my name Im going to buy a visor. Now what I want to know is what does the yellow and blue tinted visors do for you. And for those that have worn the Itech mirrored visor, what is that like. Also what one do you guys recommend.

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I never used one before, but from past jobs working in a factory where safety glasses were required. I wore yellow tinted ones. It brighten everything up making it easier to see. I would assume that it does the same on the ice.

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I never used one before, but from past jobs working in a factory where safety glasses were required. I wore yellow tinted ones. It brighten everything up making it easier to see. I would assume that it does the same on the ice.

The yellow works just like you suggested, the blue is just for looks.

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I'll never wear a tinted visor. Why change the way your eyes have always see. And it's sooo ugly too. I guess Ovechkin will make people buy them.

Only advantage i could see is with the mirror ones. Goalies and other players can't see where your looking at so you can aim pretty well.

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I wear a clear visor, which works fine. But I expect the tinted ones work the same as ski/snowboard goggles do - different lenses for different conditions. I know when I changed my goggles from brown to orange they brightened things up heaps. Yellow is supposed to be the best colour for sunny, spring days to enhance contrast, so I expect they'd work in rinks to brighten up the ice too.

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i've had a tinted, and clear. i favored the tinted one over the clear for looks and vision. i just picked up the itech mirrored and had one game with it and loved it for vision and looks but i def felt like a marked man on the ice, just made for more fun ;)

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Agreed. The yellow tint on the visors is to aid with depth perception. If you ever pay attention to sports such as racing and snow sports, you will notice a ton of drivers/athletes using yellow or orange tinted lenses. Those colors just simply give you a better view especially in the white conditions on the ice and in the snow. It sometimes takes a little bit to get used to, but they work wonders.

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Well now that my high school hockey days are coming to an end and the beer leagues are calling my name Im going to buy a visor. Now what I want to know is what does the yellow and blue tinted visors do for you. And for those that have worn the Itech mirrored visor, what is that like. Also what one do you guys recommend.

The Itech mirrored from inside the visor just looks like a darkly tinted visor.

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Goalies don't look at shooters eyes, they look at the puck! :D

Yea, you're right lol i dunno what i was thinking. But players often check the opponents eyes to have an idea where hes gonna pass or shoot the puck. (Well, i do it)

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Agreed. The yellow tint on the visors is to aid with depth perception. If you ever pay attention to sports such as racing and snow sports, you will notice a ton of drivers/athletes using yellow or orange tinted lenses. Those colors just simply give you a better view especially in the white conditions on the ice and in the snow. It sometimes takes a little bit to get used to, but they work wonders.

Eric Weinrich has worn one for a few years now.

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I tried my friends yellow tintted oakley visor and it does brighten things up, but the entire game i had headache n felt dizzy due to the color diff...

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So the yelllow will brightin things and the mirrored and tinted visors will reduce glare. If the blue is just for looks I might go for that and get the Aviator cut visor.

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the blue isn't just for looks, it's supposed to improve clarity. The yellow improves brightness. I wear the Itech mirrored, and it is a little darker than the regular tinted. While goalies watch the puck on a shot, the mirrored finish keeps the opposing players from anticipating the play by watching my eyes. I've learned to "look off" players by turning my head one direction and looking out the other. Guys I have played against for a while say it does make a difference.

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