pldhockey4 0 Report post Posted February 9, 2006 at school today it seemed everyone was talking about chuck norris.jokes such as "chuck norris CAN divide by zero" and other stupid sayings, why do they say this?what made chuck so popular again? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miike 1 Report post Posted February 9, 2006 Ding ding ding, another pointless thread? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
teamriot38 0 Report post Posted February 9, 2006 it's all just stupid fun here's the part of the list.Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. Ever. Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits. The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain. If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris, you may be only seconds away from death. Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice. Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting implies _the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing. Chuck Norris' blood type is AK+. Ass-Kicking Positive. It is compatible only with heavy construction equipment, tanks, and fighter jets. There is no chin behind Chuck Norris' beard. There is only another fist. Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked someone so hard that his foot broke the speed of light, went back in time, and killed Amelia Earhart while she was flying over the Pacific Ocean. The Great Wall of China was originally created to keep Chuck Norris out. It failed miserably. If you ask Chuck Norris what time it is, he always says, "Two seconds 'til." After you ask, "Two seconds 'til what?" he roundhouse kicks you in the face. Chuck Norris was the original sculptor of Mount Rushmore. He completed the entire project using only a bottle opener and a drywall trowel. Chuck Norris doesn't say "who's your daddy", because he knows the answer. What was going through the minds of all of Chuck Norris' victims before they died? His shoe. Chuck Norris is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis. Police label anyone attacking Chuck Norris as a Code 45-11.... a suicide. Chuck Norris doesn't churn butter. He roundhouse kicks the cows and the butter comes straight out. Chuck Norris has two speeds: Walk and Kill. Someone once tried to tell Chuck Norris that roundhouse kicks aren't the best way to kick someone. Historians have recorded this as the worst mistake anyone has ever made. Time waits for no man. Unless that man is Chuck Norris. When Chuck Norris goes to donate blood, he declines the syringe, and instead requests a handgun and a bucket. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris? ...All of it. Chuck Norris doesn't actually write books, the words assemble themselves out of fear. If tapped, a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick could power the country of Australia for 44 minutes. Chuck Norris can divide by zero. When an episode of Walker Texas Ranger was aired in France, the French surrendered to Chuck Norris just to be on the safe side. Chuck Norris originally wrote the first dictionary. The definition for each word is as follows - A swift roundhouse kick to the face. Contrary to popular belief, there is indeed enough Chuck Norris to go around. Chuck Norris grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage. Archeologists unearthed an old English dictionary dating back to the year 1236. It defined "victim" as "one who has encountered Chuck Norris" Chuck Norris doesn't bowl strikes, he just knocks down one pin and the other nine faint. There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Oklahoma. Chuck Norris once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They made him blink. Chuck Norris played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun and won. Simply by pulling on both ends, Chuck Norris can stretch diamonds back into coal. When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down. Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks don't really kill people. They wipe out their entire existence from the space-time continuum. Chuck Norris does not own a stove, oven, or microwave , because revenge is a dish best served cold. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pldhockey4 0 Report post Posted February 9, 2006 Ding ding ding, another pointless thread? dude, i am serious.i didnt want to ask anyone at school cuz no one knew.why has there been so many chuck norris jokes and such? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fonya 0 Report post Posted February 9, 2006 Some of them are funny but all I hear is Chuck Norris at school. In the halls I always hear one of those facts behind me. Probably one of the niners. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Project_2501 0 Report post Posted February 9, 2006 This bullshit from people is really beginning to piss me off. Such annoying crap, and they never shut up. I usually tell them to stop stroking it to chuck norris and stfu... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted February 9, 2006 Because Chuck Norris is a bad-ass. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
teamriot38 0 Report post Posted February 9, 2006 agreed he's a badass, i blame the movie dodgeball Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LegoDoom 0 Report post Posted February 9, 2006 Because Chuck Norris is a bad-ass. This is correct. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted February 9, 2006 When the Boogeyman goes to bed he checks his closet for Chuck NorrisandChuck Norris doesn't teabag people, he potato sacks them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chadd 916 Report post Posted February 9, 2006 somone started a website with the jokes and it has grown. I thought it was just about over but some people are a little late to every party. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
teamriot38 0 Report post Posted February 9, 2006 Chuck Norris sleeps with a nightlight, not because he's scared of the dark, but because the dark is afraid of chuck norris. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fury of One 6 Report post Posted February 9, 2006 Your answers can be found here... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gee2626 0 Report post Posted February 9, 2006 There are similar "facts" with Vin Diesel and Mr. T. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stampeder 2 Report post Posted February 9, 2006 This has gotten so annoying, it was on the useless facts of the day on the tv's at school. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awall 0 Report post Posted February 9, 2006 Because Chuck Norris is a bad-ass. Who was once beat up by Bruce Lee. :lol: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted February 9, 2006 Yes, yes he was :) I was gonna throw that in but I didn't as I wanted to keep it in the spirit of Chuckhood. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jbone 0 Report post Posted February 9, 2006 If you want info, ask sherwood21. Haha he knows all about him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quintin 16 Report post Posted February 10, 2006 Ehem... "Dodgeball" maybe?!? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
headonaswivel 1 Report post Posted February 10, 2006 It was just a fun pop culture thing that spawned from as the guys said, Dodgeball. It dwindled down and then a few weeks ago SNL did a skit that brought it back..... of my faves:Chuck Norris can make a woman climax by simply pointing at her and saying "booya".Chuck Norris was the fourth Wiseman. He brought baby Jesus the gift of "beard". Jesus wore it proudly to his dying day. The other Wisemen, jealous of Jesus' obvious gift favoritism, used their combined influence to have Chuck omitted from the Bible. Shortly after all three died of roundhouse kick related deathsA Handicap parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Chuck Norris and that you will be handicapped if you park there. Chuck Norris once made a deal with the Devil to sell his sole for his ass kicking ability. Soon after the transaction, Chuck roundhouse kicked the Devil in the face and took his soul back. The Devil, appreciating irony, laughed. They now play poker twice a month. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eagles39 0 Report post Posted February 10, 2006 They were popular in my school for a while, but it has died down now. Every once in a while some one has a new good one, so we get a laugh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites