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New Pants for My Tender Hips...

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Seriously,... I'm coming back from my second hip injury and am looking into buying some pants that will help reduce my risk of re-injuring my hip. I am a small(ish), speedy defenseman (that plays like a winger) in a competitive (chippy) beer league.

Currently I wear CCM 852's, and I wear them like "clown pants" - they're snug but I need suspenders to keep them in place.

I've read plenty of reviews on MSH and I've narrowed it down to 2 pants: Easton 700's and Tackla 951's. Unfortunatly none of my LHS carry these pants so I can't check them out myself.

Has anyone tried or seen these two pants before and can give me opinion?

Which one is bulkier?

Which on is lighter?

Thanks for your help!

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I have a hip problem also (I constantly flare up my bursa (sp?) sacs). I use a pair of pro stock Bauers. Protection and a half plus they're very light and easy to break in. Try and find a pair of them, hands down best pants I've ever used and I've used just about everything else on the market. If you can't get these go with the Tacklas.

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Tackla 951s are not available in the US and they aren't supposed to ship to the US as I understand. The new Tackla silver series is pretty nice and offers similar protection in the 55 (I think).

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have you looked into buying a girdle (spell?) and then a shell? better protection and fit.....just a thought

Girdles do not have better protection.

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If you want big time protection with a no suspender fit check out the 5000 series tackla pants. Snug but not obstructive, I really have to hit or get hit hard to feel anything in the 5000x's..........not cheap though. I understand the 951's arent as well padded as the upper level Tacklas......

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Thanks for the feedback - exactly what I was lookin' for. Very dissapointed to see 951's shouldn't be sold in the U.S., but I'll check out the 5000's and the Silver and look into Bauer Pro's.

I'll see if I can try Rbk too,... on that note, anyone ever try Jofa 9000's or 7500's ? I like their shin and elbow pads, are the pants just as good?

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have you looked into buying a girdle (spell?) and then a shell? better protection and fit.....just a thought

Girdles do not have better protection.

On a somewhat related note... are the girdles some of the pro's wear the same thing as the retail girdles. I remember I thought I saw McCarty, and Carter wearing girldes that look similar to the Vapor 8.

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Someone already mentioned looking at a pair of RBKs, but I wanted to second that. I've got a pair of 8ks and have been very happy with them. The hip protection feels solid and durable, and has stood up well to quite a few falls and board collisions as I was learning to skate.

They were bulky and stiff when I first bought them, but have since broken in well. The adjustable thigh pads are also a big plus.

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have you looked into buying a girdle (spell?) and then a shell? better protection and fit.....just a thought

Girdles do not have better protection.

Who makes a girdle?

I have a older CCM one with a built in cup and it is awesome. I would love to replace it but I haven't seen a girdle in a few years.

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have you looked into buying a girdle (spell?) and then a shell? better protection and fit.....just a thought

Girdles do not have better protection.

Who makes a girdle?

I have a older CCM one with a built in cup and it is awesome. I would love to replace it but I haven't seen a girdle in a few years.

Easton, Bauer, CCM and the Tackla 4000 is the most protective.

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I went from an old pair of CCM Supra 420's to the Tackla 900 (now the 951) and I found them to be the best fitting pant. They do have less protection but the fit (tighter in the hips and looser in the leg) makes for great mobility. The fit is actually closer to a girdle. With your hip problems you may want to move up to the Tackla 5000 Air series for more padding.

The Easton fit is a little looser all the way through but they are very light. The new pants have the split thigh pad which is better than one solid piece. I found both CCM and Bauer to be a little bulky. Also look for the new Bauer/Nike pants coming out.

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The 8k is an awesome pant, mini girdle,comfortable yet super protective. Also, the Salming pant cannot be beat for protection. You may not be able to find one at your LHS, but can ask Jason who's on this board where you can find one.

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The Easton pants have great hip protection. I just switched back after using bauers and getting many bruised hips on hits. Have never owned Tacklas so i cannot speak for them, but i think the Eastons would be a good choice.

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The 8k is an awesome pant, mini girdle,comfortable yet super protective. Also, the Salming pant cannot be beat for protection. You may not be able to find one at your LHS, but can ask Jason who's on this board where you can find one.

Contact Mark County at info@salmingcanada.com. He was the Canadian distributor last year, but will not be this coming year. He has some pants remaining in stock that he is clearing out.

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Easton top end pants are great protection. I'm talking the Synergy 900 or 700. Take a look at them before you shell out a fortune for the Tackla 5000 or 9000's. Also the guys are correct that the Tackla 951's aren't as well padded as the other two I just mentioned.

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What is it going to take for you to spell it SyNergy?

Then you have to put the little © symbol after it.

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yeah the 951's arent as heavily padded as the 5000 or the 9000. if you want amazing protection in a tackla you could go for the 9000 for a custom pair

How come there's a bunch on 951's pro return on Ebay... were they returned likely because they weren't protective enough?

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The goalie heaven ones arent pro return.......Tackla's I've seen at the lightning sale are almost always 5000x's.....sometimes with a lighter denier nylon or an extra belt. I can't say I ever saw 9000's.......some regular 5000's though.

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I'll put in a vote for my Tackla Air 9000 that I got two years ago on closeout. I think I paid maybe $100 for them. Seems like alot of quality protection and fit for the money. I can't really compare them other than to the Mission girdles I used to wear in roller. Completely apples and lawnmowers in terms of comparison. The Tacklas are real nice.



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I got a hip pointer wearing M1's, no fault of the pants they were getting long in the tooth. Picked up some tackla 5000's and I've been thrilled with them. I've been hit several times where the old injury occured and no pain.

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