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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Flip Flops

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Just need to get opinions on what you guys wear for flip flops etc... Im looking to get a pair to wear around etc... I've only been able to find eastons but dont know where i could buy them.. Any suggestions would be great! Thanks guys

Please change if this is in the wrong forum thanks :)

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I think I got a pair of flip flops for $1.99 at Target or something. Does it really matter, or are you trying to look cool in the showers too?

I think we should have a "Photoshop your Flip-Flops" thread :lol:

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Well i want something for the summer time etc.. nothing to fancy.. just like shower sandals etc... Some of the adidas are nice IMO but just like to see what you guys wear.

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I have a pair of addidas massuese or something of tht nature.

some of the boys have crocs. i find them HIDIOUS tho.

crocs are those bright colored sandal things right? come over your toes etc..? Yes i thought they were for woman, until i saw like every guy in the summer wearing some.

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I have a pair of addidas massuese or something of tht nature.

some of the boys have crocs. i find them HIDIOUS tho.

crocs are those bright colored sandal things right? come over your toes etc..? Yes i thought they were for woman, until i saw like every guy in the summer wearing some.

No, no, you were right--they are meant for women.

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I've got some Bauer, Eastons and Eagles. I wear all 3 around outside, but use the Eagles the least because of the materials. I may go grab some more once summer comes around. My dad and I usually split Sandals, I think the Eastons are his.

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I guess others didn't find my "Pimp yo flops" thread very funny... oh well. I got a good laugh out of it.

Don't worry it got me laughing, i brought a pair on holiday in the summer use them to wear around cause it was too hot, now i just use them for the showers. They are made by polaris (never heard of them before)....i'm wearing them now infact!

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i had a pair in the summer with a naked woman on the left flipflop. somehow my nickname was Pimp for the rest of that hockeyschool :)

il try and get pics for you guys

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i wear bauer vapor flipflops but honestly dont get flipflops made by a hockey company..... they are way overpriced just like most of their equipment

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they are disgusting.

look like gah i cant even come up with a word to describe them

hahaha yes they are for women

i have a pair of black crocs...most comfortable shoes ever...made out of foam thats right foam not rubber

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i have a pair of adidas dont know what there called i just call them the one everyone has becuase it seems like everyone at my school has a pair. anyways i love them

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the bauer classic gold ones they are super squishy, really comfortable.

rainbow sandals are comfy too but retail at a ridiculous price, can't beat the style though.

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they are disgusting.

look like gah i cant even come up with a word to describe them

hahaha yes they are for women

i have a pair of black crocs...most comfortable shoes ever...made out of foam thats right foam not rubber

I knew someone would come out and admit they have a pair....lol

I have heard they are pretty compfy though....I couldnt rock them, but hey if ya like em chris Id keep wearing them.

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I've got a blue pair and a green pair... got them from the Family Dollar $2/pr

I'm not trying to be a glamor boy or a name brand junkie...

Beside with the money I saved I bought a six pack :)

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I've got a blue pair and a green pair... got them from the Family Dollar $2/pr

I'm not trying to be a glamor boy or a name brand junkie...

Beside with the money I saved I bought a six pack :)

Well at least there's a method to your madness.

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Are crocs these kinds of things?


Because if they are, all Ive ever seen them on were girls.

Those are thongs

These are crocs:


They should be illegal for males to wear.

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