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Kovalev's Olympic gloves.....

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Haven't paid the licensing fees...

Marcel Hossa's and Pavol Demitra's MIA's were blacked out as well.

Is it roughly the same licensing rules in the olympics as it is in the NHL?

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Yes. Pay and your logo is in.

Wait, but the warrior sticks are not blacked out or the logo covered up. Is the licensing fee equitment specific. Like you pay for gloves, sticks, helmets, ect. Not just paying for your name no all the equitment types?

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I saw Kovy's stick on close up yesterday on tv and they painted a small russian flag instead of the W in that electric looking thing.

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I think we all overlooked the obvious thing with this WHOLE topic...Kovy, a Captain? Ok, so it's the Russian Team, but a Captain, him? Way to go and have the premier enigmatic player lead your team in something as important as country pride and the olympics. They must have someone better on that team...Kasper even, or Zubov, somebody!

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Kovy, a Captain? Ok, so it's the Russian Team, but a Captain, him?

In Russia Kovy is a huge idol and one of the biggest sporting figures in Russia! I think the younger players would have looked up to him when they were growing up.

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Kovy, a Captain? Ok, so it's the Russian Team, but a Captain, him?

In Russia Kovy is a huge idol and one of the biggest sporting figures in Russia! I think the younger players would have looked up to him when they were growing up.

I am kinda surprised it's not Kasper (Is Zubov hurt...? I didn't realize he wasn't playing)...but I'm not really surprised it's Kovalev. He's one of the older guys on that team, and will be the offensive leader.

I've seen him live couple times this year...for all his enigmaticness (?) the game moves as fast or as slow as HE wants it to (when he wants to take control). He tends to play only when he wants to during an 82 game season...but for a 2 week tourney, playing for the homeland...with the kids on the team that idolize him...he'll bring "A" game for the entire thing (2 Gp...2 Goals...pretty good start).

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I am kinda surprised it's not Kasper (Is Zubov hurt...? I didn't realize he wasn't playing

Zubov isn't hurt. I heard that he didn't want to play for Russia. I don't think he played in 2002 either.

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i dont think hes played for them ever, the commentators said that he didnt like how russia ran their hockey operations or something along those lines.

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i dont think hes played for them ever, the commentators said that he didnt like how russia ran their hockey operations or something along those lines.

Does Bure's role as GM of the National team give him any say over the way the Russian Ice Hockey Fed is run?

I'd like to see him clean that mess up a bit.

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i dont think hes played for them ever, the commentators said that he didnt like how russia ran their hockey operations or something along those lines.

Zubov played for the Soviet Union and the Combined Team, but I don't believe that he has ever played for Russia.

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i dont think hes played for them ever, the commentators said that he didnt like how russia ran their hockey operations or something along those lines.

Zubov played for the Soviet Union and the Combined Team, but I don't believe that he has ever played for Russia.

So basically, Zubi likes Communist hockey, but not Capitalist hockey.

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i dont think hes played for them ever, the commentators said that he didnt like how russia ran their hockey operations or something along those lines.

Zubov played for the Soviet Union and the Combined Team, but I don't believe that he has ever played for Russia.

Unified Team :)

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i dont think hes played for them ever, the commentators said that he didnt like how russia ran their hockey operations or something along those lines.

Zubov played for the Soviet Union and the Combined Team, but I don't believe that he has ever played for Russia.

So basically, Zubi likes Communist hockey, but not Capitalist hockey.

Not that I support communism, but the soviets did a heck of a better job on running thier program (from youth to the olympic team) than russia does today.

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i dont think hes played for them ever, the commentators said that he didnt like how russia ran their hockey operations or something along those lines.

Zubov played for the Soviet Union and the Combined Team, but I don't believe that he has ever played for Russia.

Unified Team :)

ahhh my mistake, I'm so tired right now ;)

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I figured some of the logo covering was for licensing issues, but also I thought it had to do with the olympic policy on the size of the logos too. In theory each brand would have the same alotted space on uniforms, therefore the advertising and visibility would be roughly equal, which is why adidas uniforms have the fugly broken up stripes on the arms. They weren't allowed to have solid stripes because it was deemed a logo and not just part of the design, other brands compalined that they had a larger visibilty.

That was my theory, but i guess with the gloves that are clearly showing their logo, like eagle and mission in the picture above my theory is way off. Thought i'd share anyway.

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i dont think hes played for them ever, the commentators said that he didnt like how russia ran their hockey operations or something along those lines.

He was Olympic Champ in 1992, though you´re right he has refused to play for Russia since a clash with a particular group of officials in the Russian Hockey Federation. If my mind serves me right I think back in that days there were two groups struggling for control within the organization and he disagreed with the one that eventually won that internal struggle and replaced his long time coach Tikhonov. There was an article about this on on eurohockey.net a while back.

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