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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Getting rd of a "really bad headache"

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Ok, it's a little different actually, because this is sort of a one time thing for me, close the post if you want, I didn't mean to offend anyone, sorry, I was just asking.

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Guest 2048

If you mean what I think you mean, I've heard Gatorade does the trick better than lots of water.

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If you don't want a hangover, you're supposed to drink a glass of water for every beer you have. That's a lot of water and I don't know anyone who's actually done it.

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You need to start drinking the water before you go to bed next time. You may have to wake up to piss 20 times but every time you get up, drink another glass of water. By morning, or early afternoon, you should be fine.

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Yeah, that still doesn't work very well though unless you drink a whole lot of it. There's a real easy way to get around the whole thing and it's to drink a higher proof alcohol.

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I usually end up drinking a gallon or so by the time I'm done using that method. Clear and high proof works to an extent as well.

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Chasers work. They really are amazing, I used them and felt great in the morning. If you dont want to use chasers, just buy activated carbon tablets and use those. They are basically the same thing.

If you already have a headache, you need to drink lots of water and get your hands on caffeine. Caffeine helps to restrict blood vessels in your brain. This is good because a headache is caused by too much blood flow through the brain which makes the brain increase in size and push against the skull. So lots of water, excedrin, and a coke will do wonders.

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Drink some water before you crash out and eat something to soak up some of the alcohol in the stomach.... pretty much same again for the morning.

One of the worst things is to stay in bed and feel sorry for yourself, shower up and brush your teeth to feel fresher and get some air.

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The local thing to do is to stop at and get a cheesesteak before heading home. Those things work wonders for the next day.

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Tomato juice is suposed to be the very best thing you can have because it has all the vitamins you need to "recover" Some people I know wake up and have a bloody mary, kinda strange. I hope you don't have hockey today because I tried to play once with a really bad "Headache" and though I was going to die.

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The local thing to do is to stop at and get a cheesesteak before heading home. Those things work wonders for the next day.

the thing to have here is either a kebab or greasy burger from the food stalls outside the clubs or bars.

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Greasy food does seem to work. I have no idea why, but it's a good thing I live in the grease food capital of the world.

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I second the Chasers, they really do work! I started getting really bad hangovers after college and as I got older (30 today!) the hangovers got worse. I decided to try the Chasers and used as directed, no hangover the next day after double digit beers. You can find the stuff for pretty cheap online.

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