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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ONE 90 on Todays Show!

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Yes, but the point I am making is that it can be a bit buggy for Erik Cole, who has custom ones.

Makes sense seeing as pros now adays seem to demand their equipment to behave a certain way, with how often they switch things it seems. (see: sticks)

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Yeah, American. I wish top of the line skates were 500 CAD, would make it even cheaper for US citizens.

Sorry.. Is that what most top of the line skates run in the US?

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Yes, but the point I am making is that it can be a bit buggy for Erik Cole, who has custom ones.

Woa woa woa...now I don't like to start trouble, certainly not with the Bouce...but explain to me why it's ok for Cole to be a bit buggy, but we can't be as retail users? Are our opinions worth nothing? Why would Erik Cole's skates be a bit buggy, but our retail ones not be? Cuz if you say the manufacturers iron out the bugginess before it hits retail, then Bouce my man, I could post topic after topic after topic of fellow MSHers reporting bugginess and issues.

And explain to me how a kid who clearly spoke to a professional sports team trainer, not have a valid statement when making his post? He's just telling us what the trainer told him. Are we supposed to just keep our mouths shut about any pre-release products until they do get released before we start posting topics on them? Seems to me a lot of topics on here have been about guys, specifically you, getting early info and sharing the wealth of knowledge. Now I know you try to stray away from misdirected comments and pre-conceived notions, but opinions count on here. Especially your's. So if someone has some inside info...why not share it? Why keep tight-lipped?

And why so protective of these skates in particular, Bouce? I can't recall in recent memory where you've reprimanded us to keep our pre-notions aside and wait till the skates go retail.

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i think what they were going for with the longer blade is a sort of speed skating effect. The longer blade gets more for each stride, producing speed.

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I think you're looking a little too much into my comment. The reason why there is pro return product out for sale is because it didn't work for the person it was made for. Granted, I was not there when he talked to Wally, but from his comment, he asked how Cole's skates were. It could very well be that they might be having problems with fitting Cole for skates. That being said, never in my post did I say that it was a valid statement. I'm not trying to cover up anything. There's a lot of hype behind this skate and not a lot of people have seen them, let alone skate in them, but everyone seems to have an opinion.

All I am saying is that you can't count on what the pros have before it is a retail release. It is still beta until it is retail.

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Yes, but the point I am making is that it can be a bit buggy for Erik Cole, who has custom ones.

Woa woa woa...now I don't like to start trouble, certainly not with the Bouce...but explain to me why it's ok for Cole to be a bit buggy, but we can't be as retail users? Are our opinions worth nothing? Why would Erik Cole's skates be a bit buggy, but our retail ones not be? Cuz if you say the manufacturers iron out the bugginess before it hits retail, then Bouce my man, I could post topic after topic after topic of fellow MSHers reporting bugginess and issues.

And explain to me how a kid who clearly spoke to a professional sports team trainer, not have a valid statement when making his post? He's just telling us what the trainer told him. Are we supposed to just keep our mouths shut about any pre-release products until they do get released before we start posting topics on them? Seems to me a lot of topics on here have been about guys, specifically you, getting early info and sharing the wealth of knowledge. Now I know you try to stray away from misdirected comments and pre-conceived notions, but opinions count on here. Especially your's. So if someone has some inside info...why not share it? Why keep tight-lipped?

And why so protective of these skates in particular, Bouce? I can't recall in recent memory where you've reprimanded us to keep our pre-notions aside and wait till the skates go retail.

you could also use some common sense with just this issue. pros come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes, it is entirely possible that cole has a large ankle/bone spurs in unusual areas. therefore, the shape of the boot (not just hte padding) might not be suiting HIM as well as hoped, though that may just be on account of his foot.

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i think what they were going for with the longer blade is a sort of speed skating effect. The longer blade gets more for each stride, producing speed.

Unless they use a different profile it isn't going to achieve that type of effect.

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I think you're looking a little too much into my comment. The reason why there is pro return product out for sale is because it didn't work for the person it was made for. Granted, I was not there when he talked to Wally, but from his comment, he asked how Cole's skates were. It could very well be that they might be having problems with fitting Cole for skates. That being said, never in my post did I say that it was a valid statement. I'm not trying to cover up anything. There's a lot of hype behind this skate and not a lot of people have seen them, let alone skate in them, but everyone seems to have an opinion.

All I am saying is that you can't count on what the pros have before it is a retail release. It is still beta until it is retail.

I agree. Fair enough, Bouce.

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i think what they were going for with the longer blade is a sort of speed skating effect.  The longer blade  gets more for each stride, producing speed.

Unless they use a different profile it isn't going to achieve that type of effect.

Correct, speed comes from longer radius not a longer blade. If they still have a 9' on the longer blade, it will not go faster. I'm still waiting for the independent lab tests, not some self-conducted "feel by the pants" testing.

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i think what they were going for with the longer blade is a sort of speed skating effect.  The longer blade  gets more for each stride, producing speed.

Unless they use a different profile it isn't going to achieve that type of effect.

Correct, speed comes from longer radius not a longer blade. If they still have a 9' on the longer blade, it will not go faster. I'm still waiting for the independent lab tests, not some self-conducted "feel by the pants" testing.

so basically because everything is the same besides the legnth, the LS power just adds excess weight with un-needed steel? Well I guess if I get one-90's they'll be EVEN LIGHTER when I put regular lightspeed holders on it...

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After reading the post's on here,I am going to have to side with JR on this one. Erik is very picky when it comes to his gear and is always wanting things to be perfect.He's always been like that ever since I have known him and looked after his gear long before Wally ever did when he played a year of JR B here in my town. I was his equipment guy then and was fun having him around..... Alot of guys I've talked to this year in the OUA ( Canadian University Hockey )that were lucky enough to get the skates from Bauer said they loved them and had no problems with them in any way. Anyway,Like JR said,don't judge something based off Erik.He likes his stuff top notch no matter what it is...

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jimmy, forgive me but what is radius what does it do, how does it work, I'm 6'3 243lbs d man in 10 EE Vapour XXX explain? please

Radius is the gliding suface of the blade, the amount of steel in the middle that is touching the ice. In simple terms, more blade of the rocker touching the ice = more glide, less rocker=better maneuverability. Think of a speed skater's skate.. long and almost all of it touching the ice, the max configuration for speed, but crap for turning. If you take a skate and increase the length of the steel but do not increase the rocker radius, you really don't gain anything. On your Vap XXX as a D'man, you can have the rocker radius lengthened to give you more speed. If your LHS does radius, they can do it for you.

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They had a guy demonstrating the Nike Bauer skate just a minute ago on the today show about shoes and things the atheletes are wearing...Pretty cool. He pretty much said they are half the wieght of a normal skate, and they made them so evey part of the skate touches your foot, and the blades are longer to make it quicker. He also said you can get them this spring for $500-550

where are you gunna be able to get 'em for $500 USD?

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After reading the post's on here,I am going to have to side with JR on this one. Erik is very picky when it comes to his gear and is always wanting things to be perfect.He's always been like that ever since I have known him and looked after his gear long before Wally ever did when he played a year of JR B here in my town. I was his equipment guy then and was fun having him around..... Alot of guys I've talked to this year in the OUA ( Canadian University Hockey )that were lucky enough to get the skates from Bauer said they loved them and had no problems with them in any way. Anyway,Like JR said,don't judge something based off Erik.He likes his stuff top notch no matter what it is...

Hey man...haven't heard from ya in a long time...what's going on?

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Hey JR, Ya long time no speak. Been a busy winter... Moved up from working with the local JR team,to being the Equipment manager for one of the local University's Been a busy winter.Alot of fun though. I was going to email you and see whats up.But figured your busy enough. I always check in everyday and read up on whats going on...

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And explain to me how a kid who clearly spoke to a professional sports team trainer, not have a valid statement when making his post? He's just telling us what the trainer told him.

who said i was a kid ;)

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Glen Wesley has switched to the One90 since monday. wore them in practice today. During breaks he was doing various things testing them. Additionally, Oleg Tverdovsky threw on a pair at the tail end of practice and was testing them out.

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