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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Custom Skates / Ice to Inline Conversion

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I wish they would actually put their high end boots on roller frames for that matter rather then having people have to rely on conversions if they want a high end stiff bauer boot for inline.

XXVR is pretty high end roller boot I thought. I cant wear Bauers No arch and wide foot.

Yeah it is, they JUST recently released the xxvr though and it still is not their highest end boot. I remember back in the day they used to have supreme composite roller hockey skates and RH5000s which were identical to the ice supreme composite and bauer 5000. They just dont put much into their roller line anymore it seems like. Not that I can blame them because I am sure the money maker for them is def ice skates.

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These are conversion, for sure. The boots now have new height, pitch and nervous system. Can't wait to talk to him after he skates in them. He's already a big A7 fan.

Edited by Sprungster

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If those frames had been dyed black it would look more tied together. The White just jumps off. Of course I guess when using a gold boot things jumping out is nothing strange.

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So I'd like to show everyone these skates I just had done but can't figure out how to post...any help??? Don't know how to get a URL for an image not on the internet and wouldn't know where to put it on the internet to get a URL...

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You can remove the holders, just not the foot beds. I have a teammate that also has a pair of shift ones converted. I know my teammate just driller holes through the foot bed and put new foot beds on top of the old ones. Or you could use strictly brass rivets and probably get away with putting your foot straight on top of them. However, most frames will not line up right with the shift ones, but a couple will.

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So I'd like to show everyone these skates I just had done but can't figure out how to post...any help??? Don't know how to get a URL for an image not on the internet and wouldn't know where to put it on the internet to get a URL...

Sen the picture to teamblackhawks@me.com and ill upload it for ya ;)

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these are my 99' Easton Z-Air's with the Mission Vanguard Aluminum Chassis. 76mm IDS Hookers 80mm Mister Sticky wheels, random abec 9's... Trying them out tonight.


Edited by BlueNoter

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Sprungs are just the best. I have tried a bunch of chassis and thought I had found the ultimate set-up with Red Star but when I went to the Sprungs I knew I could never go back. My boys still skate rigid chassis and I like the looks of several of the rigid chassis offerings but I won't go back.


Edited by Rick

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Just got my CCM Vector 110ZG's back from the LHS with hum'er mounted should have pics up tonight.

Sick I cant wait to see them. I have a pair of Vector Pro boots I was thinking about putting a Hum'er on and this would be a similar pitch. You have to let me know if they feel really heel pitched so I can decide if i need to use a heel riser.

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My Revision Golds did not come in yet, so I can't comment on the pitch, but it looks very similar to my Tour Code 1's.

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My Revision Golds did not come in yet, so I can't comment on the pitch, but it looks very similar to my Tour Code 1's.


did you test fit any 80 mm wheels on there to see if any dremeling is required?

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There was a bit of dremelling required, not much though. For some reason these skates have a groove right there, not sure why, but I am not complaining.

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