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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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rebelion hockey

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i picked up a ops at a local hockey shop going out of business. it was one of the last there, the paint is chipping from banging against other sticks. so the guy says, tell me what you want it for, its one less thing i have to take home with me. I said $15, and he said you've got a deal. Its a rebelion hockey stick. i've never really heard of rebellion, just a couple of times. anyone know some info on this company?

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I demo'd the skates and didn't like them and I didn't like the attitude from the people at the show last year when I talked to them about the problem. At that time we were considering opening an account with them.

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Bryan Trottier is involved with them. He said he knew one of the principals and was invited to join them. I spoke with him for a few minutes at this year's show, and he made it sound as though he's in charge of marketing.

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I demo'd the skates and didn't like them and I didn't like the attitude from the people at the show last year when I talked to them about the problem. At that time we were considering opening an account with them.

Well....they are called "Rebellion." :D

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Trottier... That explains why he was wearing Rebellion Gloves and using a Rebellion Stick at the Penguins Fanatasy Camp this year... I don't remember him wearing Rebellion skates though... :P

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We used to sell'em in our store, I played around with them a bit on shooter tutors and stickhandling balls, but not much else. They seem decent, likely on par with a price-point OPS. For $15 you can't go wrong.

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Bryan Trottier is involved with them. He said he knew one of the principals and was invited to join them. I spoke with him for a few minutes at this year's show, and he made it sound as though he's in charge of marketing.

Their offices are based out of Long Island.

They're really big in Europe, particularly Sweden.

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I was at a tournament in Colorado and a shop out there had a few of there sticks. They had a good feel but were heavy. Also my friend had one and he liked it and it lasted along time but then it broke.

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I went to a Penguins alumni game in Hershey last year, Trots had the Rebellion sticks and gloves back then, they had a bunch of promo stuff at the front doors, stickers, catalogs, etc, and most of the raffle prizes were Rebellion things autographed by the Pens....................I leafed through one of the catalogs....looked good, but if I remember right you could only get the skates in a "d" width, which is one of my pet peeves with any skate manufacturer.......................

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Guy on my street who runs a pro shop sells there stuff. Decent products but the there basically two piece sticks (the claimed OPS) and are just painted over to look like OPS but they arent that bad the price is also decent.

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Guy on my street who runs a pro shop sells there stuff. Decent products but the there basically two piece sticks (the claimed OPS) and are just painted over to look like OPS but they arent that bad the price is also decent.

Is this true? i tried the stick out, its alright, but i think i would like it much more if i could but the blade of my choice in. would i just have to heat it up so that the blade just pops out? the stick is a "graphite gunner"

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I went to a Penguins alumni game in Hershey last year, Trots had the Rebellion sticks and gloves back then, they had a bunch of promo stuff at the front doors, stickers, catalogs, etc, and most of the raffle prizes were Rebellion things autographed by the Pens....................I leafed through one of the catalogs....looked good, but if I remember right you could only get the skates in a "d" width, which is one of my pet peeves with any skate manufacturer.......................

I was supposed to play in that game but I had to back out.

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Are you playing this year against the Hanson Brothers at Twin Ponds?

I didn't get invited this year.

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The sticks i have seen are like the franklin ops, wooden core, heavy and usually stiff, not a bad feel though, i can back up on the old gloves, they don't last.

P.S. 44 wannabe, great bbq sat, but get your ass to school xD

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Their gloves are ok, but they do NOT last......

Their top end 7500 isn't durable then? Just bought a pair for my son, but i got them cheap ($40) so i guess it doesn't matter if they are crappy as long as they are protective.


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