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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Brutal Video

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Honestly, that kinda stuff is painful to watch. I've been involved in some brawls of my own, but not like this. This is the exact reason my reasearch paper topic is hockey violence.

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this guy on my team recently moved from slovakia to scotland and he made the first team [which i am in] and hes already been banned from the league for 5 games for hitting someone over the head with a stick. he got hit from behind, got up looked for the call, which there was none, then he flipped chased the guy down two hander across the back of the soft part of the head-neck. mind you not the first time. he got chucked out back in slvk for stamping on a guys head in a bench clearance.

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Holy crap. I can't believe how many guys were clubbing away with sticks even after the initial flurry of fights. Mind you, to look at that bloody guy at the end, I'm surprised he didn't have a switchblade stashed inside one of his pads.

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My question is why those pussy referees didn't do anything, the fights started with the white jersey guy hitting a red jersey guy who was already on his knees :huh: Thought that was time to break up a fight.. anyways.. pretty lame to hit people with sticks, especially when they are already down. Those guys aren't worth it to play hockey.

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this guy on my team recently moved from slovakia to scotland and he made the first team [which i am in] and hes already been banned from the league for 5 games for hitting someone over the head with a stick. he got hit from behind, got up looked for the call, which there was none, then he flipped chased the guy down two hander across the back of the soft part of the head-neck. mind you not the first time. he got chucked out back in slvk for stamping on a guys head in a bench clearance.

dude, that guy is a psycho, no wonder hes got kicked out of the league

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wow possibly the most insane, scariest thing i have ever seen on the ice. Way to go! (N) gota love those guys who help ruin the image of hockey (not)

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lol thats pretty funny though, looks like d4 hockey some guys on those teams have bauer 1000 helmets lol

Funny? Wow, honestly , I can't respond to that. Guys being beaten with sticks is funny to you?

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