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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Dad hits kid

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Embarrassing. That is absolutely pathetic. Especially since the kids look to be no more than 11. Why does one of the refs seem to be as old as the kids? I agree with Chadd.

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The coach was protecting his playerfrom a cheap shot. He did the right thing IMO.Shouldnt have it him that hard but nonetheless taught that kid never to fight again

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The coach was protecting his playerfrom a cheap shot. He did the right thing IMO.Shouldnt have it him that hard but nonetheless taught that kid never to fight again

i agree. the guy should have just grabbed "eric" and held him, not punch the kid

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hard to tell it seemed more like a push than a punch and little kids arent all that balanced

im in favor of the coach on this one

the kid was goin for a cheap shot

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what a dick who hits an 10 yr old kid? hes got 30 yrs and bout 200lbs on that kid and what damage could a 10 yr old do and theyre well protected

hes an asshole

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thats disgusting, i dont care, wow, and for those of you "but that wouldve hurt the other boy" or "what if it was your kid" no way ever should an adult ever ever ever be allowed to touch a player in any manner at a YOUTH sporting event, im gonna go on a limb here and say that the adult who hit the kid is a sackless, gutless bag of ....

EDIT: hmmmm violence in youth sports, or child abuse?

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The coach was protecting his playerfrom a cheap shot. He did the right thing IMO.Shouldnt have it him that hard but nonetheless taught that kid never to fight again


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leaving the bench in a youth hockey contest to assault a player from the opposing team? he could have probably, just as easily bear hugged his #88 out of harms way

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we will never know until we find out what the intention of the coach guy was. by the looks of it though, it seemed like he was being immature and overcompetitive

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