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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Class Rings

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I was very involved in yearbook, sports, intramurals, etc., but never got a class ring and still don't regret it. I just didn't think they were necessary and am glad I saved. They're so f**king expensive now anyhow, get a new stick instead ;)

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I was very involved in yearbook, sports, intramurals, etc., but never got a class ring and still don't regret it. I just didn't think they were necessary and am glad I saved. They're so f**king expensive now anyhow, get a new stick instead ;)

A new stick? With class ring prices around here I could buy 3 hex's

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A yearbook is all you really need. I don't know anyone who wears their highschool ring and I haven't seen anybodys around (either out in their room, on display, etc..) since the week after our year bought theirs.

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yeah our school class rings are really expensive i can think of a few better thing to get, im not gonna waste my money on something like that.

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yeah our school class rings are really expensive i can think of a few better thing to get, im not gonna waste my money on something like that.

Our school has them? I didnt think we could afford something like that.

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yeah our school class rings are really expensive i can think of a few better thing to get, im not gonna waste my money on something like that.

Our school has them? I didnt think we could afford something like that.

yeah they give out a book that you can chosse diffrent shit from.

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Don't bother, it's just a waste of money. I didn't but and I have never regreted it. Use the money to buy something that you will actually use.

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When I graduated from high school I didn't get one. When I graduate from university this spring I won't get one. When I graduate from dental school in 4 years I won't get one. For me, the only rings that guys should wear are wedding and championship rings...and the latter only barely make the cut, they belong in a trophy case.

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Never bought a ring, avoided the yearbook every year.

Ohhh, chadds one bad ass... don't get on his bad side. ;)

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We were already offered them now in 10th grade! No thanks, not dishing out 300+ bucks for a ring i'll NEVER wear.

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I got the most expensive one I could get and had a real emerald put in it because my parents said they'd pay for it. I was pretty ticked when I ended up having to pay for it sicne it was over $700. I ended up losing it, got it replaced for $100 bucks and then found it. So now I have 2!! I got it at the beginning of my Sophmore year (graduated '04) and have worn it almost everyday since I got it. Sometimes I'll bling it up and wear both. I had planned on getting one when I graduate college, but we'll see.

But realistically, are you going to wear it after HS? Not many people do. If you could use the money elsewhere, use it elsewhere. If you can spare the money and will actually wear it, then by all means go for it,

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