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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thanks, my LHS didn't have either color and had to get some from their other location and the guy thought Vancouver was the best match.

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I am gonna buy this with a visor, what visor would people think looked best?

1. Itech X100

2. Oakley straight small

3. Itech HS22 straight cut

Thank you in advance.

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does anyone know if it would be possible to take that foam out, and put it into a different intake? i need a royal blue helmet, and ive been looking for intakes like that..

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Stupid question. How exactly does this thing adjust? I loosened the screws, and I have been pushing and pulling, and nothing is happening.

You also have to loosen the screws on the bottom where the ear loops connect.

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Hey guys, I'm looking for a new helmet, I got a concussion about a month ago from a hit to the jaw.. last weekend I took a hit into the boards and banged my head pretty hard on the ice and felt a bit of the same type of headache that the concussion gave me, although w/ no conussion effects the next day (dizziness, nausea).. anyways, i currently have a ccm 652 and want something with a bit more protection. I was looking at either the Intake or the Bauer 4500 or 5500, but I like the looks of the intake more, and its probably no more expensive than the bauer 5500. I normally wouldn't want to spend so much on a helmet but hey, its protecting something important! sorry for the long post.

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Hey guys, I'm looking for a new helmet, I got a concussion about a month ago from a hit to the jaw.. last weekend I took a hit into the boards and banged my head pretty hard on the ice and felt a bit of the same type of headache that the concussion gave me, although w/ no conussion effects the next day (dizziness, nausea).. anyways, i currently have a ccm 652 and want something with a bit more protection. I was looking at either the Intake or the Bauer 4500 or 5500, but I like the looks of the intake more, and its probably no more expensive than the bauer 5500. I normally wouldn't want to spend so much on a helmet but hey, its protecting something important! sorry for the long post.

Get a better mouthguard to prevent more concussions from hits to the jaw while you're at it.

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