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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speaking of old equipment....

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That black patch on Bert's right shoulder looks like a hunk a rubber they used to replaced the lost cap. Can you even call those shoulder pads anymore?

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My brother has the same shoulder pads as Fletch. He uses them for field lacrosse even though he's only 5'5. Just a little bit of a thing but he won't change.

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hey fletch you wanna sell them? aslong as the size is right and it dosent have a toxic smell id be all over em

Nah....thanks anyway. I'm hoping my shoulder gets better someday so I can use them again.

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chelios got his shoulder pad from bob suter in 1980 when they were both at u of wis.

shanny just has his shoulder caps sewn onto his suspenders.

craig ludwig has his shin pads in the hhof.

one thing not mentioned is how many time do the equiment guys have to repair all the old gear.

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I wish I could still wear my old Coopers but my left shoulder is all messed up....dammit. :blink:


Haha, i found a pair of these in our teams lockup. I wore them for ages, the front plastic lace bit i screwed on again after they fell off and the chest straps got ripped in a fight so i used shoelaces until eventualy died.

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I wanna get some shoulders like these. I was lookin at the sherwoods that have a similar design. How are these shoulders supposed to fit. I'm 6'1 and tried a size medium that seemed to fit pretty good except the straps around the torso seemed kind of high.


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i had some classic Dand R's and the front lace up area got ripped off in a tilt, i still have them though, infact i think my brother chopped em for some holmstrom like additions to his current SP's

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These are Shanahan's. I think they might be a bit older than TB's.redwingday0098hv.jpg]Shany's SP

thanks for the photo. he has been using them since he was in juniors. also notice the warrior shirt with padding for lacross in his stall.

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The problem with the big shoulder pads is they gave players a feeling of Invinsibility and they go in for hits harder and without thinking. I cut the shoulder caps out of mine, and im a small guy. I just try to avoid getting hit as much as possible. If you give and recieve a hit correctly there usually is no problem.

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McSorley used to wear suspenders on his pants and he had the shoulder caps (just the plastic cap) of the shoulder pads like Bertuzzi wears sewed to the top of his suspenders. Just check out some of his old fight videos you will see what i am saying.

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