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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy ST 06'

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I thought maybee some of you guys can help me,

I was at a drop in today when my stick broke. This is bad news because I have my first playoff game in 2 days, and i wont have a stick. So i called my lhs asking for an 85 synergy st 06; because that is thestick I want. But they dont have it in the curve I want which is a forsberg. What do I do? thank you!

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hmm and i guess you considered that warrenty replacement would take more than 2 days

any one of your friedns have the same stick possible as a backup?

or just use someone elses backup if it comes down to it

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well i need a new stick no-mader what. The question is to get another curve or to just ditch the stick(meaning get something other than an st.) which i really dont want to do. And yes both of the warrentys are expired.

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Grab a synthesis blade in a Modano for a quick fix while trying to locate another ST. If you want to keep it cheap go with a wooden/Hybrid blade.

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Do they have any '05s in? When do they expect the '06s? It's purely judgement at this point for you now. If you can wait, grab a wood stick and go with it. If not, grab an OPS and hope it works out well. Check the review section to see what's comparable. I think the Endure may be up your alley.

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they dant have the 05 in the forsberg. And i have just enough for the stick so if i were to get a wood one temperarly i could not get the ops for a long time.(until mowing season.)

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Then it really doesn't sound like you have any options. Go to the store, pick up all the sticks you like, and buy the one you feel most comfortable with.

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naww srs makes the stick too heavy. Thank you guys for all of your help. I found one in a store about 1hr from my house.

Sorry I'm a bit off topic.

Diddn't someone mention back in that SRS thread in the Ice hockey forum, that SRS adds very little weight? Just curious.

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I would definitely stick to a Forsberg if that is what you are used to. See if they will replace your stick with Z-Bubble/Z-Carbon combo or a Synergy II setup in the Forsberg pattern. I wouldn't want to try to adjust to a new pattern right before playoffs. Either that or see if a teammate will lend you something in your pattern until you can find something. If worse comes worst and you have cash, you could go to another store and by an ST there or a two piece setup. You will still get the warranty replacement eventually and then you will have a back up stick. Good luck man.

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naww srs makes the stick too heavy. Thank you guys for all of your help. I found one in a store about 1hr from my house.

SRS only adds about 1 ounce to the stick. None of my SRS customers have been able to tell any change in weight, feel or flex. For those who think they can tell the difference, I'd love to do a blindfold test. I fooled a kid the other day, two exact same sticks, he though one had the SRS patch. It didn't. Yet he picked one stick as being heavier. hehe :D

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Did someone already mention getting a tapered shaft/blade combo or even a standard shaft/blade (synth/zbubble if you're sticking w/ Easton)?

That's the route I'd go and I think it'd be roughly the same price as an ST.

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How do the ST's compare to the SL's and Stealth?  Are they all in the same price and quality range?


St=Regular Synergy design

sl=Lightweight Synergy design with CNT Blade

stealth=395g "Lightest Stick made"



SL=Really bad


What do you think?

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