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JR Boucicaut

Kirby Puckett dead

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WTF? For some reason he always seemed like a genuinely nice guy- sort of like Tony Gwynn. You also have to respect someone for played their entire career for one team. Stayed with them through thick and thin. Prayers to him and his family.

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Sucks for his family that he died. But he wasn't the nice guy everyone made him out to be, and doesn't belong in the HOF.

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Sucks for his family that he died. But he wasn't the nice guy everyone made him out to be, and doesn't belong in the HOF.

What's your basis for keeping him out of the Hall?

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Sucks for his family that he died. But he wasn't the nice guy everyone made him out to be, and doesn't belong in the HOF.

Care to explain? I'm not disagreeing with you because frankly I don't know much about him. It just seems a little harsh to be saying that about a man who just died...

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10-time all-star, won a bunch of gold gloves, hit over .300 for his career...yeah he's not HOF-worthy....right.

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2000hits, 200hr, 1000rbi was declining when he had to retire. If he's a hall of famer then the door is WIDE open.

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Nah, Mattingly doesn't belong anywhere near the hall of fame. Just like Puckett, good career but not hall of fame. It cheapens it by just putting anyone in.

Mattingly's actually the most similar player over their career though on baseball-reference.com, which was pretty funny.

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Kirby signed autographs for us when we were kids at the Mariner's game at the now gone Kingdome. Even the Mariner's fans cheered for him. RIP Kirby..

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I worked for ABC at the Little League World Series the year he was there and the second the door closed and the public couldn't see him, he was an absolute asshole. Probably the worst I've ever met, and I've met a lot. His wife did a good job of managing his PR but after the rape case, she left him if I remember correctly.

You never want anyone to die and my condolences to his family but he was a miserable son of a bitch.

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Nah, Mattingly doesn't belong anywhere near the hall of fame. Just like Puckett, good career but not hall of fame. It cheapens it by just putting anyone in.

Mattingly's actually the most similar player  over their career though on baseball-reference.com, which was pretty funny.

I don't think I'll ever agree on HOF picks for the most part till they get better voting done for it. That said, I'm biased but I'd put Murphy and Dawson above both.

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Nah, Mattingly doesn't belong anywhere near the hall of fame. Just like Puckett, good career but not hall of fame. It cheapens it by just putting anyone in.

Mattingly's actually the most similar player  over their career though on baseball-reference.com, which was pretty funny.

I don't think I'll ever agree on HOF picks for the most part till they get better voting done for it. That said, I'm biased but I'd put Murphy and Dawson above both.

I stole this from another site:

Games Played:

Kirby Puckett - 1783

Don Mattingly - 1785


Kirby Puckett - 7244

Don Mattingly - 7003


Kirby Puckett - 2304

Don Mattingly - 2153


Kirby Puckett - 414

Don Mattingly - 442


Kirby Puckett - 207

Don Mattingly - 222


Kirby Puckett - 1085

Don Mattingly - 1099

SLG %:

Kirby Puckett - .477

Don Mattingly - .471


Kirby Puckett - 450/965

Don Mattingly - 588/444

Batting Avg:

Kirby Puckett - .318

Don Mattingly - .307

Fielding %:

Kirby Puckett - .989

Don Mattingly - .996

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As identical as they are, I feel worse for Mattingly because he seemed to be the bastard Yankee because it seemed his tenure was when they weren't good. Then again, how many of his HRs were courtesy of that little league rightfield?

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