KYHockey3 0 Report post Posted March 10, 2006 out year end tournament is this weekend, and i was wondering if anyone knew som good pranks to pull on our coach this weekend. he is staying at the same hotel. also, we have car window paint, what would be funny to write on is car? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beaver5 1 Report post Posted March 10, 2006 how bout respect your coaches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LetsGoWings13 0 Report post Posted March 10, 2006 Haha that is deffinitally just asking for trouble. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WAMPS19 0 Report post Posted March 10, 2006 Remember that your coaches always have the ablility to make you do boards or climb the ladder (formerly known as the 60 second drill) or even do wall sits.....damn those suck!I had the best coaches ever......Peewee year, saw Slap Shot for the first time. Every hockey player should be able to recite that movie word for word! They also did a lot of other things for us, buy us playboy's, etc. That was just the beginning...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
devilsrule711 0 Report post Posted March 10, 2006 yeah bantam year i had a coach like that all he would talk about was KISS and Spice channel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fire0nIce228 1 Report post Posted March 10, 2006 the whole team could just sign his car windows ya know, its not really mean, but its still kinda funny. he might find it kind of touching. just make sure you guys keep it on the windows, sometimes that stuffs a bitch to get off of paint and it could stain it... not that thta wouldnt be a bad prank to play on him. Toilet paper his ride, etc. simple stuff. Vasoline or jelly on doorhandles of his room (i know one of you guys will have vasoline with ya). If you can get him out of your room, and get one of your teammates in it, take all his towels and or toilet paper and or anything in his room that he'll for sure need before the stay is over. If you guys can snag his toilet paper all the time so he has to constantly call the front desk for more, that might get a reaction from the hotel employees. The whole team could crash in one room and try to make the coach think you guys are out partyin it up and not back at the hotel until 4 in the morning.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
devilsrule711 0 Report post Posted March 10, 2006 going along wit the messin with his ride... bring a roll of plastic wrap and wrap up his car so he cant get it. Its pretty funny and wont do anything to the car. Or if youguys can get in the room, plastic wrap on the toilet seat, or plastic wrap him to the bed. All are funny and harmless pranks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
All Torhs Team 0 Report post Posted March 10, 2006 Remember that your coaches always have the ablility to make you do boards or climb the ladder (formerly known as the 60 second drill) or even do wall sits.....damn those suck!he said end of the year.if you can get in his room order him a porno or ten. nothinig that will be over like 25 for him but itd be funny to see his face at the checkout Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted March 11, 2006 The Predators players stripped the seats out of the coaches' van at the training camp I was a part of. Then the next day they tried to steal the keys and park the van on the ice. We went with it but they couldn't get the keys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chadd 916 Report post Posted March 11, 2006 Stop at the desk and ask for a wakeup call for "your" room. Something like 5 AM should work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ctaz 0 Report post Posted March 11, 2006 We tossed all of our worst smelling gear into our coaches bathroom tube, as payback the entire team recieved a 5am wake up call. They of course cancelled the 6am one that we had set for them. Sure was glad that I'm a rather heavy sleeper, my parents on the other hand not so glad.Just remember that most likely coaches will find a way to get you back for any pranks, so try not to go overboard unless you really wanna pay. Basically don't do anything stupid, not everyone has a great sense of humor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nacho 0 Report post Posted March 11, 2006 This old prank has always worked on my hockey trips. Get the ice bucket from your room and fill it with freezing water and then go to his room and lean the bucket against his door. Give a few knocks and a 'hey coach' and then quietly run away and watch the bucket fall on his feet.Oh and another prank we pulled last year which could get you in some trouble depending on how your coaches react but this kid took a shit in a cup and then the coaches let us in there room to watch part of the superbowl and he put the shit in their shower and you should've smelled their room the next morning. The hotel staff were so disgusted they were gagging and they were calling our coaches pigs and animals it was so funny. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
All Torhs Team 0 Report post Posted March 11, 2006 alright heres one that actually happened to us.the coach has a kid on the team and the coach is the best ever and hes a smoker. so we wanna pull a prank, but none of us have the balls to do this one cept his own kid. we were at a tourny and coach always wants a smoke before the game so what the kid did was took like five rolls of tape and rapped it around his smokes pack so he couldnt get any. Now thats not a very clever prank becuase he just got a smoke from someone else. but what coach did back was so awsome. He took his sons jock at the hotel and rapped it in like ten rolls of tape and theres no way he coulda skated with it. And the coach didnt even tell him to undo it before the game, we were there like twenty min. before the game and he had to wait until bout five minutes left to even get his jock on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jason Harris 31 Report post Posted March 11, 2006 I guess the question is would you laugh at the same prank if it was pulled on you? Someone leaving a dump in my shower, I'd find disgusting and bordering on deviant. Someone wrapping my car in plastic, that's clean fun.It also reminds me a of a funny story my buddy told me. He had been living in NYC for about ten years before Life had finally progressed enough that they could afford to buy a car and rent an outdoor parking space. Since the car would be exposed at all times, he bought a cover for the car. They had owned the car for about three months in late fall when they were going to drive to a weddding in New England, so they tooked the subway to the parking lot.The problem is it had rained the day before and the cover completely froze to his car overnight. He ended up dashing to the airport, because he said he literally would have needed a hammer to bust into his car. :lol: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ti-girl 0 Report post Posted March 11, 2006 We always played pranks on the rookies (and yes one year I WAS a rookie) but they were usually good clean fun.The best one was when we went into our two best rookie's room and took everything we could and shoved it into the washroom. We took their mattresses and TV then ran. It was great because they just opened their door and went "WTF?"My rookie year one of our girls was "sick" at practice and when we came back our pant legs were all sewn together.A horrible one that one of my guy friends had done to him was when someone put dried milk in his sheets and when he woke up, is whole room stunk like sour milk.I am the prank queen, mainly just because I always think on the evil side. A535 on the toilet seat is fun, but make sure they don't kill you for it. Resetting wake up calls is another good one. We stole our coach's car one year, 10 of us picked it up and moved it 5 blocks away and then left.One year, most of us were in one room discussing the meaning of life and we heard this soft rustling. We thought that it was probably just one of the other girls trying to get it, but no, it was our coach. He put a huge manilla enevelope full of shaving cream under our door and jumped on it. It sprayed everywhere. Great prank.Freeze cans of shaving cream. Then carefully use a dremel tool to cut through the can. Put the frozen contents into someones room, and when it thaws out it will expand to full size, which is a hell of a lot of shaving cream.One hotel we stayed at had doorframes that were insanely deep, and the doors opened into the rooms. When we wanted to prank someone, we'd get three supplies: cardboard, duct tape, and a giant bag of popcorn kernels. We'd first wait until she'd gone to sleep for the night, then tape the cardboard over the outside of his doorframe (leaving an opening at the top). Then we'd pop the corn and pour it in between the cardboard and the door. When the prankee opened her door in the morning, she'd be greeted by a flood of popcorn!Hmmm...should I keep going? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
QandA 0 Report post Posted March 11, 2006 How the hell can you lift a car? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ti-girl 0 Report post Posted March 11, 2006 with 10 people and it was a small car. It was a VW golf, so it wasnt that hard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Squirrel 0 Report post Posted March 11, 2006 I just might have to try the frozen shaving cream one sometime.... lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
devilsrule711 0 Report post Posted March 11, 2006 yes keep going your highnessim gunna remember this stuff for when i got to my friends cabin in NY Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nelly 0 Report post Posted March 11, 2006 This has nothing to do with pranking a coach, but when my Dad was in high school, he convinced the head cheerleader to park her VW Beetle in the school shop early one morning. Later that day, the she went into the gym to see her car sitting at center court. My dad and a few of his buddies had dismantled the car, took the pieces through the gym doors and rebuilt it in the school. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
donkey87 0 Report post Posted March 11, 2006 You can't do this at a hotel (door handle isn't right), but its works well if you're at a friend's house. Wait to your friends go to sleep, then sneak into their room and reverse the door handle. Then close the door and lock it from the outside. Works great, but you have to find a door that has the lock built into the handle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
devilsrule711 0 Report post Posted March 12, 2006 thats what im sayin, wrap up the car so he cant get in italso i remeber this prank, if youre gunna write on his car grab the bars of soap from the rooms and write with that it comes of in a car wash or in the rain comletely safe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slasha 0 Report post Posted March 12, 2006 the funnest thing we did to our coach was spray paint "I'm a queer" on the back of his truck in my fisrt year of jr.a..he was pissed lol and the best part was he thought it was the healthys on the other team lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slasha 0 Report post Posted March 12, 2006 it was pretty funny Share this post Link to post Share on other sites