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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ya I remember seeing that on Tsn. The players were trying not to laugh. That was the world cup right?

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You guys are really so insensitive. I mean, think of her feelings, this is terrrrrible. I am morally offended and want this taken down NOW.

Note to Mack: There are invisible <sarcasm> tags around this post.

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She went on a US morning talk show and did a make good. All the words were remembered and she didn't fall down.

But she didn't do her do-over on ice...

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lol WOW. I was being sarcastic about the Italian post, I thought it was funny, I was just kidding around, I shall use sarcasm tags next time.

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check the post b fore

youre an actual retard


Vapors a guy?

We all find it hard to believe at times. ;)

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We all find it hard to believe at times. ;)

<sarcasm> that is not funny, there are many people in this world who are confused about their sexuality and we should be sensitive to them, and award them for their individuality. I want this post taken down ASAP </sarcasm>.

Girls @ my school: 850

Boys at my school: 12

Stright boys at my school: 5

Thats a 170:1 ratio baby!!!!

<3Lim College<3

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We all find it hard to believe at times.  ;)

<sarcasm> that is not funny, there are many people in this world who are confused about their sexuality and we should be sensitive to them, and award them for their individuality. I want this post taken down ASAP </sarcasm>.

Girls @ my school: 850

Boys at my school: 12

Stright boys at my school: 5

Thats a 170:1 ratio baby!!!!

<3Lim College<3

The down side, you still can't score. ;)

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The down side, you still can't score. ;)

LOL. Just broke up with the girlfriend a month ago, and lemme tell you, best thing that has happeand to me ;). LIM baby.

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