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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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No Marking Black Pucks

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if i remember correclty, there was at one time "non marking pucks" and again, from memory... they were rather expensive. just don't use China made pucks, and you should be fine.

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There actually is such a thing as non-marking pucks. When one of the rinks near here opened they tried to force everyone to use them. Noone could put their finger on exactly what it was but the pucks just felt different.

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if i remember correclty, there was at one time "non marking pucks" and again, from memory... they were rather expensive. just don't use China made pucks, and you should be fine.

Yea, the Slovakia ones are so much better. ;)

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Yep, our local arena just went to these. No more outside pucks allowed. Not sure if it is the pucks or the slushy ice or a combo thereof, but the puck certainly wasn't moving for beans last night in our game that went to a shootout. Dekes were about as slow as molasses in January. Sucked.



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You guys think that it also might have something to do with actually freezing the pucks before you hit the ice? Thinkin--frozen rubber prolly is harder to leave marks rather than softer? Correct?

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could someone please explain to me why you want to waste the money and feel on markless pucks ? I mean yea they do mark up the boards after about 10 years but that adds character to the place.

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as a goalie, i would love to get less puck marks on my expensive gear  <_<

just lower your save percentage. :D

hahahahaha, nice!

smart*ss forwards! :rolleyes:

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this could be perhaps for a brick wall white painted bassment shoot sesh? who knows

Yes, i was thinking the same thing...

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I would assume that they mark less because they are essentially "harder." I've used one a few times and they aren't as active and bounce less. No idea on if they slide slower, it was a while ago.

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