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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the iceman

Iginla's Skates?

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Interesting. One of the first guys, if not THE first guy to jump ship from one90s.

he might not have any backup one90's, may have trouble getting hold of new steel, possible scenarios. I was just surprised that he jumped all the way back to 652, why not to his old vectors?

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I think Iggy is one of the guys who changes his skates the most. It seems he always has something different, but the funny part is the most consistent aspect of his skates are CCM ProLite 3's!

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Yet he is wearing easton gloves and a 2006 stealth. Whos side is he on now, eastons or nbh

In print ads and tv ads for NBH, Iginla is wearing his Easton gloves and ST stick (blacked out). I remember JR mentioned that his NBH deal is limited to certain things.

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I doubt it relates to the skates, but Iginla didn't seem to be moving his feet as much as usual last night.

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Funny how he goes to cutting edge top-of-the-line super duper One-90s to old school CCMs. To me, it's like going from a Porsche to a Chevy Cavalier. Not saying much for the One90s that he's willing to take a such a step back...for whatever the reason.

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Funny how he goes to cutting edge top-of-the-line super duper One-90s to old school CCMs. To me, it's like going from a Porsche to a Chevy Cavalier. Not saying much for the One90s that he's willing to take a such a step back...for whatever the reason.

he might have found the one90s too restricting for his game

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Perhaps has he a foot injury that doesn't allow him to wear the One90 at the moment. There could be many reasons for this switch. I think to assume its just the One90 skate is a bit of a stretch.

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Anyone who says he's going backwards going back to CCM skates is obviously being very biased when it comes to performance. I find CCM's are great skates and I perform much better in them than I do with Nike/Bauer skates because I find them much more comfortable and I like the neutral contour. Perhaps Iggy is just figuring out he's more comfortable in them as well.

Or maybe he's a bit like me and likes to experiment a bit with different brands to see what they have to offer. Never know when your going to find as gem in the collection of shiny stones. :D

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To me, it's like going from a Porsche to a Chevy Cavalier.

And that is why he is one of the Elite players in the NHL and we are just names on an internet message board who would give anything to be half as good (no disrespect intended).

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To me, it's like going from a Porsche to a Chevy Cavalier.

And that is why he is one of the Elite players in the NHL and we are just names on an internet message board who would give anything to be half as good (no disrespect intended).

I wouldn't mind being one half of 1% as good as the guys on the 4th line!

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Anyone who says he's going backwards going back to CCM skates is obviously being very biased when it comes to performance. I find CCM's are great skates and I perform much better in them than I do with Nike/Bauer skates because I find them much more comfortable and I like the neutral contour. Perhaps Iggy is just figuring out he's more comfortable in them as well.

Or maybe he's a bit like me and likes to experiment a bit with different brands to see what they have to offer. Never know when your going to find as gem in the collection of shiny stones. :D

I'd say ONE90 to CCM 652 is a big step backwards in terms of technology.

The profile bit doesn't fly as he puts PLs on all of his skates, not to mention an equipment mgr who can adjust pitch.

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Anyone who says he's going backwards going back to CCM skates is obviously being very biased when it comes to performance. I find CCM's are great skates and I perform much better in them than I do with Nike/Bauer skates because I find them much more comfortable and I like the neutral contour. Perhaps Iggy is just figuring out he's more comfortable in them as well.

  Or maybe he's a bit like me and likes to experiment a bit with different brands to see what they have to offer. Never know when your going to find as gem in the collection of shiny stones.  :D

I'd say ONE90 to CCM 652 is a big step backwards in terms of technology.

The profile bit doesn't fly as he puts PLs on all of his skates, not to mention an equipment mgr who can adjust pitch.

Thank you JR. That was exactly my point.

I was just saying that to go from the One90 all the way back to 652s or whatever model they are seems strange. There must be models in between that have gone through better technological evolutions than to just go all the way back to those. He could have gone to a 1052, or a ProTack, or a XXX, or G3. All are slight steps back in technolgy but still advanced compared to the CCMs he's got on. You get my point...well some of you do, the rest I just don't know what you're thinking.

Of course, there is always PP. Which is the biggest deciding factor in change of equipment. But it still remains a big jump in my book.

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A lot of NHLers used the 652's for many years so even though it's not a technically advanced a skate it's obviously a pretty good skate if it can be used at that level. All I'm saying is that newer with more advance materials doesn't neccessarily mean a better skate in fit or performance. Easton has been using all kinds of different materials over the last ten years and their not exactly dominating the market. B)

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