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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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O Sorry yes I did mean you I kinda forgot i put this post up but yes I liked the other ones you made and was hoping you could do one maybe if its not too much trouble.

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Well I just tried to look at it but I'm at school so it blocked it because of "Image Hosting" So I'll have to wait till i get home to see it.

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sorry to bring up an older thread but just made this ovechkin background...pretty good I think. Sorry about the massive size but I made it to fit my screen.


And for you one90 lovers...didn't turn out near as good as i thought but the pattern on NBH's site isn't very high quality.


Oh and btw, just for practice I'd be willing to make some backgrounds or avys, etc. for whoever wants them...just PM or IM me or whatever.

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to get a good one90 one just go to gear, skates, then click power up and press print screen real fast before the skate comes across then go to pain or whatever and paste it

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to get a good one90 one just go to gear, skates, then click power up and press print screen real fast before the skate comes across then go to pain or whatever and paste it

I did...the quality on the site just isn't very good.

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Right now, I have #17 at TPC Sawgrass.

In the past I have used pictures of Ovechkin, and different golf holes.

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