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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MySpace Question

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MySpace is beginning to suck even harder. Now it's rare that I don't have 3-5 spam request for random hook-ups, which would normally be flattering but I'm allergic to AIDS.

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Tell me about it...I was chatting with my ex and somehow we got on the topic of all his MySpace comments from girls and he admitted to not knowing 90% of them. These girls were weird..saying all kinds of stuff like they were stalking him or would he strip for them next time he was in the clubs...ewww!! He's definatly not stripper material. :lol:

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Myspace is a love/hate relationship with me. I think it's the dumbest thing ever but i cant stop going back. <_<

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myspace has been on the news and in the papers here about how its a bad place now and they talk about sexual predators lookig on there and a bunch of bs

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Did he have a coat over his hands, being walked out by his "uncles"?


You have to delete them as a friend.

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Ok, I know if you post a bulletin is gets sent to all your friends, but does that include bands you have listed as friends also?

as long as they are your friend it wil get sent to them

but i doubt they will read it

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Ok, I know if you post a bulletin is gets sent to all your friends, but does that include bands you have listed as friends also?

as long as they are your friend it wil get sent to them

but i doubt they will read it

Honestly.. if its a big band, they have a lot of friends. The odds of yours showing up in the list of 4 is VERY VERY slim.

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Ok, I know if you post a bulletin is gets sent to all your friends, but does that include bands you have listed as friends also?

as long as they are your friend it wil get sent to them

but i doubt they will read it

Honestly.. if its a big band, they have a lot of friends. The odds of yours showing up in the list of 4 is VERY VERY slim.

yeah and plus that

you would have to post it at exactly the right time in order for them to see it

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Hey this is sort of OFF topic, but....

Does anyone have some San Jose Sharks hockey background for a myspace page.

I have seen some good stuff for the Stars, Rangers & Flyers, but no Sharks.

Can anybody help out a Sharks fans?

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