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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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favorite hockey stick

favorite composite hockey stick  

86 members have voted

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this is for school people, and im not sure but everyone that hasvoted could you also post, with you name please. because i need the names of everyone that voted thank you for your help

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Out of those i voted for the M-1. The Xn10 has been my favourite thus far. I think only a handful of people have tried the Stealth thus far because it's Pro only and difficult to obtain.

Ben Gallagher by the way.

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buzz my teacher better accept that, or im commin back here for oyur real name

Are the teachers strict down under? Anyways I went with the classic Easton SyNergy because it was amazing when it first came out and keeps improving for better and for worse. BTW

The Click calls me Sho CaM.

Also, If I ever had to do this project for school I'd Be Like Darn Rite Doggie A+.

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111th post?

He likes symmetry?

Favorites right now are Hespeler Nemesis Alpha followed by XN10.

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Guest Datsyuk*13

I go to your school there isnt much for people who have knowlege about sticks. As soon as you say composite they say HUH?

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I voted for the M-1. I've never used any of these sticks so I don't know if it counts, but I've held them. The M-1 feels the best so far. My name is Kyle MacDonald.

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Mike Rotch

I played in a tournament in NYC with a kid named that. It was possibly the funniest thing ever. The announcer said "goal scored by Mike Rotch". Everyone started cracking up because they though it was a joke.

My Vote:

Mission M1

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