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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Souray's RBK

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Souray did get two goals and he was using a bright green RBK. Kind of hard to tell with the spiralled tape that he puts on it, but clearly saw the RBK logo. Should have some pics by later tonight or tomorrow on the web.

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I saw a closeup on the bench, definitely a green RBK.... Looked pretty rad to me.

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There was a guy using a green OPS at an AHL game tonight, I just assumed it was a Synergy.

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I went searching for pictures but it just shows Souray using a TPS. I watched the Canadien's game and they did a shot that went across the bench. Souray's stick was distinctly green with a RBK logo on it.

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it looks like spray paint, in the olympics that part was black, and for the rangers its blue.... i dont think its a custom stick because everything else is stick yellow that would be yellow for a vapor xx max stickum..

edit- this is in response to missconduct

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