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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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here we go again..

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all these hours spent, i cant beleive u havent nailed her yet. id say let her go, shes a tease looking for attention, plus shes what gr.10? shes toying with your mind. can her and move on. if you make it look like you dont like her and you play hard to get, she'll really like you.

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im almost in the same boat as you see over the summer i was at my sister friends house and one of her frends brought their sister whos in my grade super cute so my sister parks at her house every day so i se her most of the time and like once or twie in the hall and whenever i see her she alsways smiles and says hey and god damn shes just so cute when she says it and im not sure if its right to ask her out cause maybe she justs bein nice or friendly or whatever or if she really does like me too (hopefull knock on wood) how can i tell if shes likin me back so askin her wont end up in the big fat goose egg

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wtf, deleting all your posts? I'm guessing that's a good thing since it's pretty much WB-ish issues you start threads on.

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wtf, deleting all your posts? I'm guessing that's a good thing since it's pretty much WB-ish issues you start threads on.

In case you didn't notice, I can't delete threads, if I could, I would..now you can...do it

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