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flex advice

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I'm thinking about changing to a lower flex to see if I can shoot better. Any general advice on picking an ideal flex?

I weigh about 150 lbs and I currently use(d) a regular flex RBK and CCM, and 100 flex Eastons.

I'm considering dropping to 85/87. Would that change be noticeable enough or should I consider going to 80?

I've also tried out an intermediate/whip flex and found that I absolutely could NOT shoot with the thing. It was so bad that I actually had to return the stick.

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I'm thinking about changing to a lower flex to see if I can shoot better. Any general advice on picking an ideal flex?

I weigh about 150 lbs and I currently use(d) a regular flex RBK and CCM, and 100 flex Eastons.

I'm considering dropping to 85/87. Would that change be noticeable enough or should I consider going to 80?

I've also tried out an intermediate/whip flex and found that I absolutely could NOT shoot with the thing. It was so bad that I actually had to return the stick.

I totally agree.

I'm 35 years old (5'9, 165) and have been playing hockey for 19 years. I have always used 100 flex and last year switched to 85 flex. My shot is MUCH better in both wrist and slap shot.

The most noticeable difference is stick handling. You'll notice more flex as you're stick handling but it's very easy to get used to.

Good luck.

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Depends on surface.

I'm 5'11 and weigh 155-160.

Liked playing with 90flex Inno's on sportscourt and Ice (especially), but it seems to me, that when playing on more rough the surfaces, the higher flex I'll want to play with.

Play on conrete/payed asphalt usually and my 90flex shaft will bend to much while dekeing.

I stick handle way better with a stiffer shaft on "rough" surfaces so now I'm back on the 100flex bandwagon.

I would suggest you try 85-90 flex if you play on Ice or Ice Court Excess.

Look at the flex chart in the top right corner to see which manufactorers have sticks in that range.

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Flex is just as much PP as it is anything else in hockey. The best info that I have to give, is to use a flex that is roughly 50% of your body weight.

I'm 6ft and go 225 lbs. I like using Easton's 110 flex. I've messed around wih 100 and even an 85 flex and they just didn't do it for me. I prefer a stiffer flex.

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I would also estimate 50% of your body but that's just a rough estimate. Take into consideration your personal strenght/skill levels and shooting technique/shot preference) and if you're playing ball/roller/ice.

I figure the avg nhl'er is approx. 200lbs and the avg flex used in the pros is between 90-110 (avg. 100), and those guys are strong and skilled.

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I was 165lbs and had the same problem. I switched to the 85 flex and it worked great.

I now gained some weight and am up to 180 so I went back to the 100 flex easton/102 flex bauer ops and am able to bend it fine now. Before switching though I suggest you experiment a little with your shot. It helped me a lot to practice hitting the ice a little more before the puck than I did. I began thinking the 85 flex is too much and I broke the 2 sticks I had. Definitly experiment with what you have 1st.

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Yes. If i remember there was a formula or guide in the forum that says how much flex per inch you lose when you cut down a stick.

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I keep hearing so much about this much ballyhooed proverbial guide/chart/formula that explains how flex changes with stick length, but I still have yet to see it.

NBH has one in their catalog that is posted.

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I keep hearing so much about this much ballyhooed proverbial guide/chart/formula that explains how flex changes with stick length, but I still have yet to see it.

NBH has one in their catalog that is posted.

I just flipped through the thing and I didn't see it. What page is it on?

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Its on pg 26 (middle) "Get the pattern that suits your style"

If you dont want to look, your stick is about 128.5 flex if you cut 5" off (if you use a 100 flex)

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I used to use a TPS whip flex that was cut short. After convincing myself I was too huncehed over, I switched to an Easton 85 flex and did not cut it initially. After playing with it a couple times I would trim it down a little at a time till I go to the length I was comfortable with and my game has improved due to it. My feel of the puck has improved a lot with the stiffer stick. I just broke a stick so I am down to 1 for the ice and was considering trying a 100 flex. I am 5'10" & 180lbs(10-15 overweight)

Does anyone have an idea if I would see a big difference with the stiffer shaft??

I play center and am definately a passer way more than a shooter. When I do shoot, it is usually a snap or wrist shot. On another note, I do not have a huge amount of upper body strength, although I do get a fair amount of bend on the 85.

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I used to use a TPS whip flex that was cut short. After convincing myself I was too huncehed over, I switched to an Easton 85 flex and did not cut it initially. After playing with it a couple times I would trim it down a little at a time till I go to the length I was comfortable with and my game has improved due to it. My feel of the puck has improved a lot with the stiffer stick. I just broke a stick so I am down to 1 for the ice and was considering trying a 100 flex. I am 5'10" & 180lbs(10-15 overweight)

Does anyone have an idea if I would see a big difference with the stiffer shaft??

I play center and am definately a passer way more than a shooter. When I do shoot, it is usually a snap or wrist shot. On another note, I do not have a huge amount of upper body strength, although I do get a fair amount of bend on the 85.

If your playing well I would stick with your current flex. I find that I get better wrist and snap shots with a whippier stick. When I use a real stiff stick, I find that my wrist shots are not as hard or fast. Plus, you are going to cut the stick down and that will make the stick stiffer. If you want to try something a little stiffer, you could look at a TPS or CCM/Rbk regular flex(90-95).

Edit. Remember that it's all PP. Nothing wrong with experimenting with different a flex.

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I used to use a TPS whip flex that was cut short. After convincing myself I was too huncehed over, I switched to an Easton 85 flex and did not cut it initially. After playing with it a couple times I would trim it down a little at a time till I go to the length I was comfortable with and my game has improved due to it. My feel of the puck has improved a lot with the stiffer stick. I just broke a stick so I am down to 1 for the ice and was considering trying a 100 flex. I am 5'10" & 180lbs(10-15 overweight)

Does anyone have an idea if I would see a big difference with the stiffer shaft??

I play center and am definately a passer way more than a shooter. When I do shoot, it is usually a snap or wrist shot. On another note, I do not have a huge amount of upper body strength, although I do get a fair amount of bend on the 85.

I think when I'm using a stiffer stick, my slapshots are lower on average and it's harder to get a rising slapper..

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Its on pg 26 (middle) "Get the pattern that suits your style"

If you dont want to look, your stick is about 128.5 flex if you cut 5" off (if you use a 100 flex)

Are we talking about the 05 catalog? From what I'm seeing, page 26 is either the wicking underwear or the shoulder pad section. When I looked in the stick section, the only chart I found was for the blade patterns. (edit: I found the 06 catalog, thanks.)

But 128.5 flex? That makes me feel like King freakin' Kong. And to think that I used to use an aluminum shaft that had must have been broken/cut at least 3 times.

That would also explain the huge difference in the feel between my last stick and that uncut intermediate/whip flex I once used. That thing felt like I was shooting with a car radio antenna.

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Here are some of NBH's descriptions for each of the senior flexes:

77: For the player seeking maximum energy loading; this is the softest flex available in the market today in a SR shaft dimension.

87: Probably the most popular flex rating today, this is for the player seeking a quick-release whether it's a one-timer or streatking down the wing.

102: This is for the player that has an arsenal of different shots within their game.

Can someone translate this for me? Particularly, what exactly is meant by "maximum energy loading", and how is 102 suited for "the player who has an arsenal of different shots" wheras the more flexy sticks aren't?

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With the 77, you can get a quality shot off with almost no swing, but big slappers are harder to control if you don't have good technique. 87 is in the middle, while 102 is for guys who take more slapshots. I take slappers only 10% of the time, so I tend to us whippy flexes.

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