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Most used skate in the NHL

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A buddy of mine were talking about this the other day. Based on the games I have seen, the Vapor XXX has to be the most popular skate currently in the NHL. Am I right? If so, how many nhler's wear them?, what is it about the Vapor's that so many pro's like? I have a pair in transit right now, and for me, the fit is excellent. Thoughts?

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452 players wear graf, 643 wear bauer, and 332 wear ccm

Interesting, I didn't know teams averaged about 47 skaters each. And yet there's only a few healthy scratches a game, who knew? <_<

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452 players wear graf, 643 wear bauer, and 332 wear ccm

Interesting, I didn't know teams averaged about 47 skaters each. And yet there's only a few healthy scratches a game, who knew? <_<

And that total doesn't include Mission or Easton.

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Guest Muck
and whats even more suprising is that graf does not sponsor players at all..

That is interesting if it is true. It's almost be safe to say Graf is the leader by player choice.

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It's very interesting that Graf's are worn more than CCM. They do make a good skate though. I guess Easton , Mission and Nike make most of their money supplying to the general public. :)

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Guest Muck
It's very interesting that Graf's are worn more than CCM. They do make a good skate though. I guess Easton , Mission and Nike make most of their money supplying to the general public. :)

Nike is Bauer in disguise. :ph34r:

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As of March 5, 2006

Nike/Bauer = 315

CCM = 106

Easton = 86

Graf = 58

RBK = 34

Mission = 21

620 NHL skaters

Hmmm yea, that guy's estimate really mixed me. So more Easton's than Graf's and Missions? That was probably different 2-3 years ago don't you think?

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Of the Nike/Bauer, how many Nike and how many Bauer? In CT youth hockey I see more CCM on the kids and coaches than Bauer. If I put my kid in Bauer, will he have a better chance of playing in the NHL? Maybe this is why few CT kids play in the NHL. :lol: Now, what brand stick, helmut and pads shall I get him??? God, I love HOCKEY!

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J.R. Boucicaut's figures make more sense to me. I honestly thought CCM would have more of the market than Graf. But Easton outnumbering Graf is a real zinger. Didn't think there where that many players wearing Eastons.

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