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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Most used skate in the NHL

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As of March 5, 2006

Nike/Bauer = 315

CCM = 106

Easton = 86

Graf = 58

RBK = 34

Mission = 21

620 NHL skaters

Are you sure about the Rbk numbers? The Rbk site lists about 50 players as using Rbk skates. Is the Rbk site out of date?

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Yep, those are the numbers that I got. However I remember talking to someone and he came up with the idea of an independent company checking stuff like that, like bag checks in the PGA.

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Yep, those are the numbers that I got. However I remember talking to someone and he came up with the idea of an independent company checking stuff like that, like bag checks in the PGA.

I remember people talking about doing that on CB.

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Yep, those are the numbers that I got. However I remember talking to someone and he came up with the idea of an independent company checking stuff like that, like bag checks in the PGA.

That would be an interesting idea. I wonder how close the actual numbers are to what the companies claim.

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Yep, those are the numbers that I got.  However I remember talking to someone and he came up with the idea of an independent company checking stuff like that, like bag checks in the PGA.

That would be an interesting idea. I wonder how close the actual numbers are to what the companies claim.

And with some of the players switching skates on a whim, how do you decide what their main skate is? Look at the Iginla thread. Is he a CCM or a Bauer user?

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