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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i cant for the life of me decide which visor to get... im looking between the itech x100 dlx (the one the ohl players wear) or the oakley pro straight visor (the bigger one) which will be better?

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Oakley will be cheaper the first time around, the Itech replacements will be cheaper. Very few people have used the X100 or DX100 so it's going to be hard to get useful comments on them.

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my old visor was the hlc itech half.. id like it to be able to cover my nose.. and last for as long as possible, not fog up, not get scratched, even though i know it will go through hell. Just wanted to know which one was the better quality of the 2

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im not sure of the model number, but the one i use is the older version of the dx100, it's got like a metal frame instead of the newer chromy ones.

i like it a lot, the visor kinda covers my nose, and it doesnt fog up either, i've been using it for a season (of roller hockey though), so its only got about 30 games or so.

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i use an oakley pro mod aviator and it never fogs up unless you walk off the ice into a change room where the heat is on...

one of the guys i plays with has two buckets, one with an oakley straight, and the other with an itech. when he uses the itech, he complains about how it fogs up, but his oakley never seems to.

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I use the old HX-50. The predecessor to the hx100. It's great, see clearly and NO fogging whatsoever. They are on sale so if you don't want to shell out the money for the hx100 the hx-50 is basically the same thing just with a cage instead of that plasic chrome piece.

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The thing that I do notice on the HX 50, and you do get used to it after a few skates but other people might complain about, is the weight of the frame. One guy I know doesn't like it because he says it makes his bucket slide forward all the time so you may have to tighten up on the helmet. I don't know what he's talking about, because I don't experience this problem. But yes, the weight is a bit heavier.

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I'm an HX50 user and have no complaints. As for the weight issue, well if your helmet fits well it shouldn't be a problem. Having said that, I haven't tried the new version of it, but why shell out the money if what I have now works.

Good luck.

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We recently got the Dx100 visors at work and they are nice. Light and the lens' are crystal clear. Its only about $20 more than an Oakley visor but in the long run is cheaper. I would go with the Itech, it looks nice too. I believe Itech uses some of Oakley technology in their visors because it says something like that on their boxes on the side.

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I can't say that I have tried the new Itech visor yet (although I did have a couple for sale in the forums earlier) and have also sold a couple to friends and they both love them. They are very light (compared to the HX50) and neither have complained about fogging. I have just recently put on a visor (having never used anything for several years...used a cage 10 years ago) and am using a Itech HS22 which is obviously not what you are looking for. Can't speak about the Oakley but I think you can't beat the Itech due to the replacement lenses, might be a little more upfront but it has to be less expensive in the long run IMO. (btw hyprlte, I have more visors that are in good shape, I'll PM you tonight)

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I can't say that I have tried the new Itech visor yet (although I did have a couple for sale in the forums earlier) and have also sold a couple to friends and they both love them. They are very light (compared to the HX50) and neither have complained about fogging. I have just recently put on a visor (having never used anything for several years...used a cage 10 years ago) and am using a Itech HS22 which is obviously not what you are looking for. Can't speak about the Oakley but I think you can't beat the Itech due to the replacement lenses, might be a little more upfront but it has to be less expensive in the long run IMO. (btw hyprlte, I have more visors that are in good shape, I'll PM you tonight)

The HS22 straight is pretty much identical to the Oakley he's looking at. The biggest difference is the coating that Oakley uses.

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I've used both the Oakley and the Hx50 in the past couple seasons (currently using the pro straight cut). I never had on ice fogging issues with either visor.

Yes, the Hx50 is slightly heavier, but I believe it is certified (whereas the Oakley is not).

One thing I have noticed is that the Itech replacement lenses seem to scratch much more easily than the Oakley. I'm not sure if I just had a run of bad luck, but I went through 4 lenses last year.

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I've used that oakley visor for a few seasons and its pretty good. It has never fogged up on me but it doesn't quite cover the whole nose like you want it to.

FYI: When I was in Minneapolis in the fall the sport mart at the supermall of america had oakley visors for 30$US. They were clearing out their stock and had just about all of the different oakley models available...

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